If I have understood anything from the past few weeks and especially the "trackman" blog post its that exaggerated forward lean (Boo, etc.) requires many compensations, the "truth" now seems to be a club delivered at impact with slight forward lean, but about a 1.5-2º downward hit (the pencil metaphor was excellent).
It seems to my brain that the way to ensure these two conditions is to time your release so that as club meets ball you have the proper lean and "downwardness".
Is there any way we can "feel" this better in the golf swing?
If I have understood anything from the past few weeks and especially the "trackman" blog post its that exaggerated forward lean (Boo, etc.) requires many compensations, the "truth" now seems to be a club delivered at impact with slight forward lean, but about a 1.5-2º downward hit (the pencil metaphor was excellent).
It seems to my brain that the way to ensure these two conditions is to time your release so that as club meets ball you have the proper lean and "downwardness".
Is there any way we can "feel" this better in the golf swing?