Ok..What is "aiming point"????

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Example-- bullseye.
Mechanical-- A point at which Thrust is directed.
Golf-- A simulated or compensating change in Ball Location to offset Travel Time characteristics of different Clubshat lengths.
benhogan54: Can you go into detail, what that means for you in real life. Where is the aiming point for your ie. wedge, 8i, 5i and woods?
Thanks T
Aiming Point is the the golfer's point of reference on where his/her hands should be to ensure a forward leaning shaft (clubhead lag) at impact. If you look in a mirror (face-on), start at your address position and then move into your impact position body alignment...you should notice your hands ahead of the ball with forward leaning clubshaft (amongst other things). Now look take your eyes off the mirror and look where your hands are...as the player's head remains behind the ball at impact, the aiming point is the 'visual' location for which he thinks his hands are at during impact. TGMers, like myself, try to envision are hands will be covering our left toe (for a right handed golfer) at impact. This may vary slightly depending on club used, swing, compensations. However, for ALL clubs, if you strive to get your hands (visual line of sight) over the left toe at impact, you have just moved your hands to your aiming point.

One quick thing...if your ball position is at your left toe, your aiming point would most likely be further forward....

Honestly, I don't think about it much. I hit TONS of ball before I learned about TGM and didn't even know what aiming points were. I developed my aiming points unconciously through trial and error.

Basically, the aiming point helps you sustain the line of compression. I get the impression from the definitions that it is where you need to take your hands to so you arrive at impact in the position you established at Impact Fix.


quote:Originally posted by 300Drive

Please inform. Thanks

Do a search under my name. I posted it before - and fyi, it is not a visual reference point or impact hand location.



Everyone is totally misinterpreting aiming point vs impact hand location. It is such an important and distinctive principle.

Aiming point is a spot along the PLANELINE yopu are directing the lag and is used for release point. Impact hand location is what everyone here is describing and is used for impact verification but can and is used for 'driving the hands to'.

Faster handspeeds generally need the aiming point more back to give them time to release the club. Imagine someone like Watson with his aiming point forward - he would never release in time to hit the ball. Conversely, people with slower handspeeds want their aiming point in front of the ball on the planeline so they dont release to early and dump the accumulators. But it is relative to you and must be experimented with.

Lets say your 5 iron aiming point is the ball (hypothetically). Your aiming point for longer clubs will be behind the ball and for shorter clubs ahead of the ball since they need less time to release due to shorter shafts.


Adding to Patrick's post. One may have the ball in the same position and move the aiming point according to the club used or one may maintain the same aiming point and move the ball position for the club used. The benefit of ball position change with club being used is that one can have a more descending attack which will add backspin which will equal more bite on the greens.

Also with Aiming Point one no longer then would have their eye on the ball but rather that point which you have discovered to be the aiming point for that particular club. Homer gives the example of an explosion shot from sand. One does not look at the ball but at the point one desires the club to enter the sand. Same concept for all shots.

A warning to chew on. If you are taking a lesson and the teacher is trying to teach you a Snap Release without explanation or showing you the Aiming Point concept, good luck and good bowling.
Now I'm confused. I was under the impression that aiming point was a spot on the ground (usually in front of the ball) that you drove your hands too. In TGM he says that it is the point replacing the ball that you want to try to hit.
Dude(randy) is it fair or safe to say that the aiming point is where you direct the lag pressure point at (usually trigger finger pp#3)?

I may be confused again but you write up was as I understood it with the above inserted.

You indicated who must conscieniously or subconscieniously us the aiming point for success, the question is who doesn't need to be concerned with this concept for success?
My impression from reading TGM is the same as what Patrick describes. You direct the #3 pressure point in a straight line from the top to the aimingpoint.

But I don't think your supposed to have your eyes off the inside of the ball, the way dude says. Exept for sandshots maybe.
"But I don't think your supposed to have your eyes off the inside of the ball, the way dude says. Exept for sandshots maybe."

This is something that I have been thinking about for a few days. Why wouldn't you want the eyes off of the ball. For a sand shot, you contact the sand behind the ball, so you look there. For a full shot, you want to contact the ground at the low point of the stroke which is ahead of the ball. Why not look where you want the downstroke to finish? Wouldn't placing your attention somewhere make you hit that spot more often?


This is something that I have been thinking about for a few days. Why wouldn't you want the eyes off of the ball. For a sand shot, you contact the sand behind the ball, so you look there. For a full shot, you want to contact the ground at the low point of the stroke which is ahead of the ball. Why not look where you want the downstroke to finish? Wouldn't placing your attention somewhere make you hit that spot more often?

Conscious thought annoys subconcious thought. -Ben Doyle

You'd have to train yourself to do it. It's a little tricky, as when both the hole and ball are in range of vision when putting. If it can see the ball, the brain is gonna wanna hit the ball-- it's one of those advanced using the illusion moments....JMO


True aiming point means trust. This happens with practice, and if you are aiming it in front of or behind the ball, you should look at the spot your are aiming at. I personally use the ball as my aiming point-I havent gotten to the point where I know exactly where my aiming point is for every club....I prefer to just use the ball, but it can be moved in front of or behind.

The first few times for me were eye opening. Try it - aim a wedge 1 inch in front of the ball and fire down - so what it feels like. Pretty amazing Homer came up with concept.

I'll be waiting for the progress reports!!!

BTW, this doesnt mean impact hand location is not useful-it is! Just a different concept Homer came up with.....


Brian Manzella

Aiming Point: Where you aim "the throw" (where your hands would hit the ground if they came off like a dummy during release)

Impact Hand Location: Where your hands appear (to you, the golfer) at impact. You can "aim" your hands there, too (or only).
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