Brian could you please put up the written articles that you had at your old site? I felt they were fantastic and must have read them 100 times each. They were so easy to read and common sense and a great guide for anyone new to the site or TGM.
I also showed them to people so that they could understand what TGM is about and to demonstrate that TGM is actually heaps simpler than the golf positions taught (I don't think taught is quite the right word cause they don't teach anything) in major magazines.
If you could put them back up I would really appreciate it.
I also showed them to people so that they could understand what TGM is about and to demonstrate that TGM is actually heaps simpler than the golf positions taught (I don't think taught is quite the right word cause they don't teach anything) in major magazines.
If you could put them back up I would really appreciate it.