On being dead from the crotch down

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(Note: I said "down" not up. That will be the subject of another post on another forum.)

You have to be astounded with Brian Manzella's grasp of the complexities of the golf swing. His lessons are wonderful examples of teaching the art of the possible given a student's preconceptions and physical limitations. He showed me things that I could not believe should happen in a swing. It helped me a lot; but he did not tell me everything. I wasn't ready for it. That is masterly teaching. He gives you just enough to want more.

How many of this on this forum has seen a video or read a post from BM and suddenly something clicked? Ideas that formerly seemed opaque suddenly made sense.

This happened to me after watching the chipping video on this site's home page. The key point for me was the importance of using the legs to power the pivot. Recently in another post someone mentioned his struggle to use the whole body in his swing. I too struggle with this. I am astounded at how much full body involvement there is in Hogan's swing. I want to get something like that.

Brian's chipping video showed me how to do that - legs. Yes, I had mastered the LCT full pivot back, the stomach/lateral muscle powered hip slide and turn, the tilt and the javelin throw position and the toss. But it all felt weak and required a lot of upper body manipulation and grunt and the result did not feel or look powerful at all.

Then I put together the chipping video, Hogan's swing, BM's stress on using ground forces, the importance of getting back on the right foot, a more upright stance, his contempt for static, stationary, no pivot swing theory. I started using the right leg to start the sequence. Suddenly the weight shift, the hip pivot, the right shoulder drop, the javelin position, throwing the drunk off became natural and relatively easy.

There is so much richness in this man's teaching. Approach it like a beginner, with no preconceptions and you too may experience the joy of the full, balls out swing.


p.s. don't worry where the ball goes at first. That is step two.
Gold in these here hills, for sure.

And the unknown element, Manzellium.

I have always been so results oriented, dy. (really am into both process & results but if the ball doesn't do what I want I'm not happy). Probably could help me at times to make it secondary.
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