On Plane;hitting it bad

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I'm on plane with a flat left wrist at the top.Backswing is more of a tripod with no hip movement coming through and ball goes right,straight push.
Did the towel plane drill and never hit the towel but ball goes right.

Is the towel plane drill for me? Looks like I can't close the face coming through and have started using twistaway.Distance is lost but with twistaway ball flight is better and stronger.

Any ideas?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
You can't be on plane and be hitting a push. A push is a result from a path too inside/out and then depending on face angle will depend on curvature.
I disagree - you can be on plane with an open club face and the ball will go right. Here's what I would check in this order:

1) alignment - you might be aimed right?

2) grip - is it too weak?

3) plane - based on what you have stated it's not the swing plane; I would prescribe 1 or 2 above or watch that you aren't sliding or spinning out of the shots.

Based on what I have seen so far from Manzella's teaching is that if you over-do this axis tilt on the downswing, you might be sliding instead of turning through the shot.

Just my thoughts....


Ryan Smither

Super Moderator
he said "straight push" VTP...

Jim is right...

when you say "distance is lost", you mean that when you twistaway you lose distance?

remember, you can have a PERFECT backswing but if you OPEN the clubface on the way down you'll be far from perfect...

maintain the twistaway on the downswing...

or even better, post a video so we can address the real issues rather than guessing.

I'm no expert but have gone through the process while trying to solve my OTT swing. For myself, what's causing my shots to push right was a late release.

I solve it when I saw Brian's video on sequence and simultaneous release in the "(Mini) Video Archives" thread. And in the NSA, the section on rolling of the left wrist.

See if it helps.




I'm on plane with a flat left wrist at the top.Backswing is more of a tripod with no hip movement coming through and ball goes right,straight push.
Did the towel plane drill and never hit the towel but ball goes right.

Is the towel plane drill for me? Looks like I can't close the face coming through and have started using twistaway.Distance is lost but with twistaway ball flight is better and stronger.

Any ideas?

I'm no instructor, but recently I learned my "straight pushes" were actually on target, on plane swings. I sometimes align right; the ball goes right of my intended target. Once I bean working more on proper alignment, the "push" went away. Now about the hook.....


I disagree - you can be on plane with an open club face and the ball will go right. Here's what I would check in this order:

1) alignment - you might be aimed right?

2) grip - is it too weak?

3) plane - based on what you have stated it's not the swing plane; I would prescribe 1 or 2 above or watch that you aren't sliding or spinning out of the shots.

Based on what I have seen so far from Manzella's teaching is that if you over-do this axis tilt on the downswing, you might be sliding instead of turning through the shot.

Just my thoughts....


I do not believe you can swing on plane leave the face open and hit a straight push. You could hit slightly pushed slice though.
I have the video but don't know how to post it from my C drive.
I am really on plane on the backswing and get a push but driver and 3 wood can fade from there.
Grip is weak and after extensive study and practice do beleive that the Biggest cause is an open clubface.

Having a hard time turning the clubface off the plane.

Any more suggestions?

This shot does not happen every time but with the short to mid irons just a straight push dead right shot.I have been working very hard on alighnment and can line up right of target.
With hybrids, 3 wood and driver I get the straight dead right push but can also get the fade action too.Never big push slice.
I understand the hinge actions and used to horizontal hinge everything but now it is very elusive.Used to play my irons 3 degrees flat.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator

This shot does not happen every time but with the short to mid irons just a straight push dead right shot.I have been working very hard on alighnment and can line up right of target.
With hybrids, 3 wood and driver I get the straight dead right push but can also get the fade action too.Never big push slice.
I understand the hinge actions and used to horizontal hinge everything but now it is very elusive.Used to play my irons 3 degrees flat.


Most likely you are doing 1 of 3 things:

1) lining up to the right and not knowing and hitting a nice shot but think it's a push because of alignment
2) Your lie angles are too flat
3) You are under plane on the DOWNSWING
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