one plane and two plane is....

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Is there a different down swing for a one plane swing than a two plane swing. It seems with my (I think I have ) one plane swing when I try to drop and pivot my club head never catches up. But when I just swing hard at the ball from the topI get better results. I know whats coming next if it works etc. I want to work on the right downswing.....joe


Is the club coming from inside out, with an open clubface? I'm not sure it's important or even desirable for the club to "catch up". Is this more of a clubface control issue? A path issue? Both?
I usually knock it down. I played today and used Brians beltbuckle theory and it worked well for me. I still dont know if I swing 1plane or 2 and still dont know if there is different swings for both...joe


Joe- one plane two plane , it doesn't really matter.

PS those are really just Jim Hardy marketing terms
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