Open club face

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If a player has an open club face on the take away or the top of the swing, what are some of the different ways to go about fixing it?

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
On the takeaway make sure your shoulders aren't turning too flat or your left arm isn't rolling excessively. If your left thumb is on top of the shaft you'll naturally want to find support my turning your hand so that the thumb is on the back of the shaft in the first move away....this will open the face as well.

Brian Manzella

If a player has an open club face on the take away or the top of the swing, what are some of the different ways to go about fixing it?

Start with a good grip. Under the left heel pad, last two fingers of the left hand 90° to the grip.

Don't let your hands POP OUT on the takeaway.

Keep the club from getting outside your right elbow mid-backswing.

Flat left wrist or VERY slightly bent at the top.


I just bought the never slice again video and I am just looking for some different views! I also just signed up with trackman and plan on getting certified and would like to become a certified Manzella instructor here in So Cal. Any ideas on how to make that happen???


The clubface needs to open a certain amount during the backswing to keep the club on plane.By on plane I mean at least somewhat pointed at the ball.Not enough forearm rotation will result in the club too much across the line at the top.A reverse tumble reroute is then needed which opens the face on the way down so having the clubface too closed on the way back is not really the answer.

The trouble with golf is some rotational skills are needed to play the game to a decent level.Trying to take forearm rotation out of the golf swing creates other problems.
I just bought the never slice again video and I am just looking for some different views! I also just signed up with trackman and plan on getting certified and would like to become a certified Manzella instructor here in So Cal. Any ideas on how to make that happen???

Where at in SoCal? I would love to get some Trackman time whenever I could.


I am currently at the vintage club in Indian Wells, but in the next few years would like to end up in LA or San Diego!
Start with a good grip. Under the left heel pad, last two fingers of the left hand 90° to the grip.

Don't let your hands POP OUT on the takeaway.

Keep the club from getting outside your right elbow mid-backswing.

Flat left wrist or VERY slightly bent at the top.

Could you or someone else give a bit more info on the last two fingers being 90 degrees to the grip? When I do this it feels like it closes the club face quite a bit at address, although it also seems to allow the left wrist to hinge up and down more easily w/o cupping. Which would be a good thing for those of us who fan open in the backswing.
I just bought the never slice again video and I am just looking for some different views! I also just signed up with trackman and plan on getting certified and would like to become a certified Manzella instructor here in So Cal. Any ideas on how to make that happen???

You can find a few years worth of reading and useful information in the forum archives. Or do a search through google with brian manzella and the keyword or phrase you are researching.


Start with a good grip. Under the left heel pad, last two fingers of the left hand 90° to the grip.

Don't let your hands POP OUT on the takeaway.

Keep the club from getting outside your right elbow mid-backswing.

Flat left wrist or VERY slightly bent at the top.

Brian -

On the "Keep the club from getting outside your right elbow mid-backswing" you mean make sure the club isn't being sucked inside, or the to try and have the grip end pointing toward the belt buckle, correct?

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