Open Hips at impact - Important or not ?

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Question is in the title. I have never been able to get my hips open at impact without upper body moving ott to quickly. Is this an important flaw or are squarehips at impact ok.

Thanks in advance
Provide some information about your ballflight, typical miss(es), etc. Since you asked, it's probably not okay that your hips are square, or else you wouldn't feel the need to ask. Hard to say though. You could absolutely stripe it for all I know.
I don't think you'd find any great ballstrikers with square hips at impact. Even parallax can't create that illusion...

I think the PGA Tour average is around 40 degrees open from square at impact, but cannot cite a source for that.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
If you use the ground and unwind in sequence, the hips should be open. It also allows some desirable things to happen depending on the pattern. Also, the amount of slant and how forward they are should be taken into consideration. Dont just open them just to open them.
I would post a vid but last time i did that i got a angry message from Brian saying it was against the rules. Play off 3 (uk). My ball flight is pretty straight i.e it never curves much, bad shots will be blocks and pulls rather than hooks or slices.

Flexibility is also very poor !. Dont have much going for me really,


Question is in the title. I have never been able to get my hips open at impact without upper body moving ott to quickly. Is this an important flaw or are squarehips at impact ok.

Thanks in advance

Power hitters all flare their hips open.Watch the long drive guys.Most of the great ballstrikers do it also.

But you can also be a good ballstriker just dropping your arms into the slot with a reactive pivot although you will not maximise distance potential.

There are examples of square hips at impact on tour, so it can't be disastrous.
There was a old Golf Channel segment where Tiger Woods was the guest. The host was asking him about his swing changes over a period of years.

Tiger first demonstated his, let's say, college years, swing. Hips going as fast as possible with arms lagging. Snapping the whip, hitting it forever (my words for illustration). He said this became a problem because he sometimes had no idea where it was going.

Then he demonstrated his, shall we say more controlled swing. Hips slowing down before impact. Not so open.

So if I read the thread right, the originator is a 3 handicap worrying about square hips. Nice problem to have!


Tiger has the exact opposite problem to the OP.Early in his career,he flared his hips open too much.To get Tiger rotating his hips less would require him to feel the arms drop before he rotates his hips.Even now,Tiger still has very open hips at impact only not as much.However,he is not as accurate with his driver than he used to be.I actually prefer the old Tiger swing because it seemed more dynamic and he was swinging a steel shafted driver 128 mph when he was a 150lb skinny runt.

The "feel" for the OP need to be the opposite.To get his hips more open would require him to clear his hips before the arms come down.We all have different issues with our swings and it requires different feel methods to correct them.
If your right shoulder does not rotate around your torso to some degree on the backswing or start down and stay there , then you will have less open hips at impact.
I have very limited hip motion as well, wish I had more just can't. I also hit the ball very straight, I am not short but not really long, 275-280 real distance , I am a plus cap. I think to hit the ball longer I need more hip but you can certainly play high level golf by limited hip movement.

Brian Manzella

Square Hips

You can hit the ball effectively with square hips at impact.

You can hit balls with square shoulders as well.

You will have a tough time getting an efficient Kinetic Chain sequence doing either.

So, if it works for you, do it.


Swing your arms with your arms—or—let your arms swing by your torso very early.

That's it.

More likely to have an in-to-out shallow path.
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