Open shoulders sooner?

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I've noticed Brian saying you need to open your shoulders sooner for some people that swing to far to the right. Well me being one of those people, I've been trying it but can't seem to open them enough. My hips bump and turn first but for some reason my arms start swinging. Should you feel that the left arm is glued to the chest and the ONLY way to move it is the shoulders? My right shoulder drops way below the turned shoulder plane if that helps. Maybe some more around and not so much down with the right shoulder?
Setup with almost no axis tilt at address and your shoulders pointing SLIGHTLY left, or slightly open.

Hit the range and report back.

Still did it Jim. But one thing to note is that I've probably done this for 20 years. Then when I got home I remembered in one of Brian's videos he said you can simply drop your arms and the pivot will pull them home so I tried that and it looked much better but feels like there's no power but who knows cause I haven't hit balls yet doing this. For some reason Furyk popped in my mind while I was swinging this way. Anybody else just drop the arms?
Great advise Brian, I hit balls after work tonight and was very pleased. I can hit the ball high now! Practice swings feel weak but hitting the ball I think I've gained a little. Going to be a big transition going from a arms swing to a pivot powered swing but so far I likey.:) Hopefully I can come see you again in the next couple months in Louietucky.

Brian Manzella

Does this feel like the better player is starting over the top?

To the better player it WILL FEEL LIKE you are coming over the top a bit.

I knew a pro that had a video of dozens of great players who LOOKED LIKED they were doing this, but when you drew lines, they were right on plane!
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