A Precision Fade:
Let's say we want to hit a shot that starts 10 yards to the left and fades to the target...
Set up 18 yards to the left of the target.
At Impact Fix, "program in" an impact that would have the clubface slightly more open than your normal impact. Place the club just forward of the ball, and make sure to "SEPARATION FIX" in a separation that is still slightly open, then move the club to the follow-through to "program in" a clubface that is no more than "square to" the arc of the swing. Notice while you are doing this movement BACK AND FORTH from separation to follow-through, that the hips lead the hands and the hands lead the slightly open clubface. Feel the stretch in your left rib cage area when your left shoulder goes up and back during this motion.
Go back to address.
Make your swing, making sure the sequence through impact feels like the FIX versions had the same clubface position and also the same sequence of HIP. HANDS, and then slightly more open CLUBFACE. SWING ALONG THE LINE YOU SET UP ON.
The ball will start about 10 yards left of the target and fall to the flag.