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I have a hard time shapping shots because my hands feel where the club face is. If I set up for a draw i will hit a huge push, if I set the face open a little my hands will shut it down and hit a hook. what are the options for shaping a shot? On one shot today I turned my rear foot inward and it limited my backswing and hit a nice fade. I feel it is time for me to start shaping more so I can get the scores down.
sounds like you've got a couple options already!

page 92 (7-2) of the yellow book.

how bout Jack's way? feet alignment in drection u want ball to go, clubface toward target. trust it and swing normal...

Brian Manzella

EASY fade:

Aim left-er than you think, and keep you right hand slightly upward and your left hand slightly downward through impact. Make damn sure you lead those hands with rapidly opening hips.


Aim right-er than you think, keep your chest FEELING like it is pointing to the right of the ball and go left palm up through impact. Also square up your left foot at address.
"and keep you right hand slightly upward and your left hand slightly downward through impact."

Don't get this Brian.


quote:Originally posted by birdie_man

"and keep you right hand slightly upward and your left hand slightly downward through impact."

Don't get this Brian.

Its just another example of that high detailed level of precision which Brian is known for...
quote:Originally posted by birdie_man

"and keep you right hand slightly upward and your left hand slightly downward through impact."

Don't get this Brian.

I'm willing to bet that Brian would agree that the word "palm" should replace the word "hand" in the above sentence.

I'll add my two cents here and say that it also helps to rehearse this motion during pre-shot with the waggle. There's a reason why Hogan used a couple of pages in 5 Lessons to describe the waggle.

I'm also a big fan of using foot flare to "encourage" a certain ball flight. For a fade, I stand like Hogan (right foot square, left flared open). For a draw, I stand like a duck (flare both feet).

Brian Manzella

quote:Originally posted by Mathew

quote:Originally posted by birdie_man

"and keep you right hand slightly upward and your left hand slightly downward through impact."

Don't get this Brian.

Its just another example of that high detailed level of precision which Brian is known for...

Mathew, with all due respect, have you ever SEEN me teach?

Have you ever given a Ryder Cupper a lesson WHO IS TRYING NOT TO HOOK and then drove across town to teach a guy that needed TO LEARN TO HOOK?

I have.

You want precision?

I'll give you precision...

Brian Manzella

A Precision Fade:

Let's say we want to hit a shot that starts 10 yards to the left and fades to the target...

Set up 18 yards to the left of the target.

At Impact Fix, "program in" an impact that would have the clubface slightly more open than your normal impact. Place the club just forward of the ball, and make sure to "SEPARATION FIX" in a separation that is still slightly open, then move the club to the follow-through to "program in" a clubface that is no more than "square to" the arc of the swing. Notice while you are doing this movement BACK AND FORTH from separation to follow-through, that the hips lead the hands and the hands lead the slightly open clubface. Feel the stretch in your left rib cage area when your left shoulder goes up and back during this motion.

Go back to address.

Make your swing, making sure the sequence through impact feels like the FIX versions had the same clubface position and also the same sequence of HIP. HANDS, and then slightly more open CLUBFACE. SWING ALONG THE LINE YOU SET UP ON.

The ball will start about 10 yards left of the target and fall to the flag.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
quote:Originally posted by birdie_man

"and keep you right hand slightly upward and your left hand slightly downward through impact."

Don't get this Brian.

It's a feeling of an angled hinge...he's trying to say you should have this feeling of the clubhead "almost" passing your hands, but don't let them. It's the whole "grab a bunch of marbles" idea to create an angled hinge.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
quote:Originally posted by Mathew

quote:Originally posted by birdie_man

"and keep you right hand slightly upward and your left hand slightly downward through impact."

Don't get this Brian.

Its just another example of that high detailed level of precision which Brian is known for...


Just like how he, ben, me, and countless others he has taugh can full roll fade?

I can think of some certain people who say it isn't possible even when you do it right in front of them. Sorry if they aren't "precise" enough to learn how to keep the face open at separation to create a full roll fade.
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