or academy.....EURKA moment needs further help!

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Whoops, should be EUREKA....

Just took second round of lessons from Brian about 3 weeks ago. The main thing I took home with me is "develop a more golf lik swing". My swing is all upper body and HARD. Not very golf like!

So, from our first lessons over a year ago, I started to employ axis tilt....got into a pattern where I was blocking the crapola out of the ball. In between lessons, I started compensating for this in the wrong way. This got me waaay off course and too long in between lessons. Fugly is what developed.

From the most recent lessons, I have learned a lot about the lower body, weight distribution, pivot, axis tilt. Started blocking the ball again but...realize that is mostly happening when I quit turning the lower body and apply axis tilt.

I said all that to get to this.....I have finally discovered why I can't slow down (I have a fast and hard swing) and swing more fluid. I think my arms are disconnecting too much from my body on the back swing and the down swing, thus I end up using my arms to hit at the ball vs the pivot.

So my quesiton is, can you give me some insights as to the feelings of connectivity of the arms...from backswing to followthrough????

My feeling is...without keeping them too rigid or too stuck....that if I keep them connected better, I will have to bend over more and let the lower body power the swing more. When the arms disconnect, that feeling of sync is not there and I end up feeling like I have to HIT the ball. Hope this makes sense and I hope you guys have some input.

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