Over and Out, Bunker - Wet Lies

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Well, I just bought Over and Out and watched it hoping it could make me a really good bunker player this year instead of just a good one. And I think it will. Great video!:cool:

There's one thing that I almost expected to be in it that wasn't though. Those really difficult wet lies. Those lies when it has rained with really hard, really heavy sand. I wonder if we could perhaps get some tips for those lies? It would be awesome and make the great Over and Out complete. :)


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Very similar to the bread and butter shot, when the sand is wet if you try to use the bounce of the club the flange is just going to bounce off the hard sand and you'll blade it. You need a wedge with less bounce and a sharper leading edge to dig INTO the sand to get the sand to push the ball out. Plan on a lower/hotter ball flight.


Well, I just bought Over and Out and watched it hoping it could make me a really good bunker player this year instead of just a good one. And I think it will. Great video!:cool:

There's one thing that I almost expected to be in it that wasn't though. Those really difficult wet lies. Those lies when it has rained with really hard, really heavy sand. I wonder if we could perhaps get some tips for those lies? It would be awesome and make the great Over and Out complete. :)


Brian stated in the video the sand he was playing from was very very firm. He hit shots from those extra firm lies that were fabulous.
Very similar to the bread and butter shot, when the sand is wet if you try to use the bounce of the club the flange is just going to bounce off the hard sand and you'll blade it. You need a wedge with less bounce and a sharper leading edge to dig INTO the sand to get the sand to push the ball out. Plan on a lower/hotter ball flight.

Thank you for the response! Then there is no secret to these shots. That's about how I already play them, so I guess they're just pretty tough shots then :)

Also, I had a chance to practice with the open the face with the hands technique and it works extremely well! Awesome video!
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