Over Swinging

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I guess,the reason of having different position at the upswing; when we are swinging a driver, a driver will go further, and if we are swinging a pitching wedge, the wedge will not go as high. My coach told me that it is a feeling, as well as how far you want to deliver the ball to.
The driver swing higher, because of the driver is lighter and longer, and with the same amount of force swinging the club, it would generate more power, and more power affect our club position at the top.
<h2>Now the question is:</h2>
If we are over swinging, and how do we stop it.
To the best of my knowledge, over swinging is course by
  • Reverse pivot
  • Out of sync (disconnection) of our hands and body.

Now what would be the psychological factor to cure it?
Personally, if I allow cocking my wrist a bit more (my rear elbow), I find that, it stop my over swinging. (easier to achieve)
I was told to unwinding my body, before the club get to the top. But I find it very difficult to achieve. Because I have to think about to many items.

Is there any other way, I can have a easier swing thought in helping me to swing less and to make the swing more compact?
Try stopping the BS at the Top, rather than going all the way to the End. From there about the only way to "overswing" is to overaccelerate your hands. I'm assuming that you're a Swinger rather than a Hitter.
Thanks for the advice, the overswing that I am talking about, is not serious overswing, i.e. for an 6 irons, if the club at the top, it is virtually parallel to the ground. Could you let me know what is overaccelerate your hands? Do you agree that Takeaway is very much a dragging motion too.

Lisa Manzella

Manzella Golf Academy BrianManzella.com Administra
You will find Oz...and others..that knowing what to do on the downswing/ extensor action/ and the aming point concept will make you backswing only as long as it needs to be.
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