Over the top, or On Plane?

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After my lesson, I have been working on getting on plane (from under) on the downswing. From the top I am pivoting with my torso while holding the hands at the top. It feels that I am shifting to a higher plane and coming way over the top on the way down. The ball flight is pretty straight but I am 1 club short still nothing fat, or thin..

Just curious if this is an appropriate move/feel.

BTW, I have never hit the driver better/straighter.

Brian Manzella


After my lesson, I have been working on getting on plane (from under) on the downswing. From the top I am pivoting with my torso while holding the hands at the top. It feels that I am shifting to a higher plane and coming way over the top on the way down. The ball flight is pretty straight but I am 1 club short still nothing fat, or thin..

Just curious if this is an appropriate move/feel.

BTW, I have never hit the driver better/straighter.


It FEELS like "over the top" because the hands ARE moving OUTSDIE THE BACKSWING HAND PATH.

Like this Palmer pic:

The ball may be going shorter for you, because the LOFT will not be DE-LOFTED when you "draw" a staright Plane Line.

Keep it up!
Thanks for the encouragement. I am confused about the loft/de-loft comment. Are you saying this will eventually come?:confused:
don't mean to threadjack, but I was just wondering if this feel only applies to those who go from (excuse my lack of familiarity with the terms) an elbow plane (inside takeaway?) to TSP on the backswing? It seems as if someone like Adam Scott, who (I think) turns away on the TSP and then drops inside to the elbow plane would feel the opposite
First of all you did get the terms right and they do accurately describe the players how they are.

Second......ya ur right......a guy like Scott would probably feel like he is coming under his backswing plane and flatter. Same with Sergio.....Trevino.

Reverse Shift.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
No, jbrunk, he means that with your old pattern you were severly delofting your irons. Now that you are drawing a straight plane line you are hitting the ball with more loft on your iron and that will make the ball go shorter.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Jim is correct JB....for a time.

Then...you will get comfortable, and hit it just as far or longer!

Yup, you will at first until you learn to create more pivot speed then the old distance comes right back because most severe delofters do so because they are trying to cure some kind of hook.
first, I am surprised by Brian's comments because I thought he believed in instant improvement, especially regarding distance (accuracy can be refined later).

second, why is it the relatively "underplane" position on the backswing recommended for most golfers?
Yup, you will at first until you learn to create more pivot speed then the old distance comes right back because most severe delofters do so because they are trying to cure some kind of hook.

You aint kiddin. My bad shots suck right now because my pivot isn't working right and I feel like I can't "get to" the ball. Driver is good, short irons are good but 7,6,5,4 are horrendous right now.
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