Over the top

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I had picked up some new (to me) clubs at the end of last year. I thought they were too flat because my divots were deeper in the toe area. Today I went to my club to test the lies of my clubs and some demos. Turned out that even with very upright clubs I still was hitting the lie board on the toe. The good news was that for early in the year I was hitting nearly all shots in the center of the face. The pro at my club said I must be coming over the top in order to "pound the toe" like I was. That seems like a reasonable conclusion--does that make sense to others? If so, any ideas to correct this issue?


I had picked up some new (to me) clubs at the end of last year. I thought they were too flat because my divots were deeper in the toe area. Today I went to my club to test the lies of my clubs and some demos. Turned out that even with very upright clubs I still was hitting the lie board on the toe. The good news was that for early in the year I was hitting nearly all shots in the center of the face. The pro at my club said I must be coming over the top in order to "pound the toe" like I was. That seems like a reasonable conclusion--does that make sense to others? If so, any ideas to correct this issue?

where did the ball go?
Years and years ago I had a similar problem, but I was actually coming too far inside-to-out. I'd guess that usually inside-to-out will result on mishits off the toe. Conversely, outside to in will likely result in heel shots.

I really wouldn't draw that conclusion that your club pro had, I'd probably draw the opposite conclusion. Still, nobody can give a definitive answer until they see your swing.

I can personally confirm that too much in-out with a ball position too far back and a closed clubface may result in toe in divots.

My hands are still recovering...
Toe shots can also come from a "fit in move" coming out of your posture so you don't crash into the ground.
Years and years ago I had a similar problem, but I was actually coming too far inside-to-out. I'd guess that usually inside-to-out will result on mishits off the toe. Conversely, outside to in will likely result in heel shots.

I think he's referring to the toe hitting the lie board, not where the ball's hitting the face.

Your clubs may be too upright for you, but depending on the severity of it, you may want to get working on your swing as well. It was asked earlier: where did the ball tend to go?
He said that even with very upright clubs he was marking the toe. Like everyone was asking "where did the ball go?" the pro says over the top, I like to video the swing while doing the lie board to confirm the path. To me I think he might be shutting the face down to get markings on the toe, maybe flipping it. Wouldn't know without ball flight or video or better yet....Trackman!
Thanks for all the replies. Just to clarify, I was actually making contact in the center of the face (for the most part) with all of the various demo clubs. As was mentioned it was the toe hiting the lie board.

On Sat the wind was blowing very hard from left to right so most shots were following the wind. Historically I have fought hooks with an occasional dead push with the driver.

I have tried to correct it but in the past I have also observed myself (on video) moving my hips toward the target line. So the comment about coming out of my posture could be the culprit. I may be falling into that old habit. Any suggestions to address that? In the past I stuck an old shft in the ground and tried to make swings keeping my rear touching the shaft.
i would say if you know you come out of your posture and swing to far to the right, just work on swinging more to the left and to stay down try to turn your right shoulder down towards the ball

you might hit a couple fat at first but when you start to swing more to the left it will bring the club down at the right time
Toe shots can also come from a "fit in move" coming out of your posture so you don't crash into the ground.

True story.

I think too flat clubs can cause toe shots as well.

(Cause any contact in line with the sweetspot or even closer to the heel is gonna be more thin.)
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