Pick apart this swing

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A little information about the guy. He is a +handicap who has had this swing for a long time. He obviously has a lot going on in the swing but consistantly gets to a good impact position. He fly's the ball about 290 with his driver when he is striking it and when his timing is a little off its about 270.He hits his 5 iron 190. He has a lot of lag in his swing and im kinda hesitating changing much because he always has a good impact position. Just wondering what everyone else thinks, if you would change anything what would you change or where would you start if you were going to do a complete overhaul, or would you change anything if he consitantly gets good impact postion.


No real need to overhaul. His swing isn't that bad, any teacher in their right mind would just make a few tweaks here and there and tell him to forget about the overhaul.

I like his swing a lot at around :07 in the DTL and :06 in the FO. If he's built this swing by himself, gets to those positions, and carries a plus handicap, I wouldn't change anything unless he had some kind of specific concern. And then I'd refer him to Brian.

On an unrelated note, how tall is he?
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Looks to me like taking 6 inches off the shaft would be highly beneficial in terms of control but may lose some of this (for real?) distance achieved.
What's he coming to you for? What does he think is broken? It looks a little funky, but the ball loves that kinda funk.

He's a plus handicap and can already beat 99.8% of the golfers in the world. Does he want to play the Tour?

Can he "flight" his iron shots?
Curve it both ways fairly easily with comfort in competition?
Any achilles heel around the green?

I wouldn't mess with his big swing dynamics unless he has "UGE" miss.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I would look for other ways to help him improve. He would be a prime Trackman guy. We'd find his big miss under pressure, do a little "gaming" with the wedges and snoop around the short game to lower scores. But I would want the Tman numbers cuz that would point me in the right direction as to where it fudges when it goes bad for him (i.e, too shallow, too in to out, etc.)
Release is good, balance is good, hip turn is good. Sure he could do some different things with his arms that might help him a tad with tweaking shots but if he hits it well and where he wants, there's far too many good things happening to need any real changes.




Couple of Iron Shots. I agree, drop the Doughnut...

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Too inside out and looks like he fights steering the clubface to avoid it shutting down. Try having him do a "towel plane board" drill with a slightly weaker right and see if that does anything. I can see drop kicks and shallow fats as an issue.
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