Picking it clean

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I was watching some video of Watson hitting balls and he picks it so cleanly off the turf. Barley looked like he took grass. The sound was pure though. Just curious how he gets that compression without taking a divot.
I was watching some video of Watson hitting balls and he picks it so cleanly off the turf. Barley looked like he took grass. The sound was pure though. Just curious how he gets that compression without taking a divot.

He was probably hitting a shot from about 100 metres out or so. I remember somewhere if you want to have a lot of backspin, then that is the way to hit it. Other opinions might differ.
I was watching some video of Watson hitting balls and he picks it so cleanly off the turf. Barley looked like he took grass. The sound was pure though. Just curious how he gets that compression without taking a divot.

Talent. Don't try this at home....
Talent. Don't try this at home....

I would agree.

Most folks "try" this on every shot they hit! Thus, they suck. While Tom W is no digger, he's also no flipper. Sorta like a modern day Ogilvy.

I'll find you 20 divot takers for every one Tom Watson... mind you, Tom's a stud and one of my all time favs.
Looks very much like NHA 2.0. Up the wall, down the wall, to the left.
How does he get the low trajectory with a lofted club?
Yep, full sweep release with a circular delivery hand path. Funny how Brian got a lot of flak for Lindsey Gahm's swing and when I first saw it (her latest video) I thought to myself 'TOM WATSON!' and a bit of 'JOHNNY MILLER!'

The thing is there's plenty of lag there, he just doesn't have that snap release deal going on there that people like Hogan had and everybody covets it. But, still a very effective golf swing.

Yup, people who don't understand what a sweep release is call them flippers or say they have lots of throw away.
Yup, people who don't understand what a sweep release is call them flippers or say they have lots of throw away.

Agreed. And what's so great is that Watson can SMOKE it. There's a YouTube of the entire 1977 British Open (cut up into 8 parts) with Watson and Nicklaus. Watson was out there with Jack all day, and we all know that Jack could really hit it.
Yup, people who don't understand what a sweep release is call them flippers or say they have lots of throw away.

When people think of lag, they often think of it in terms of the traditional definition, rather in terms of lag pressure. When you see it like that, Watson dosen't appear to have any lag.
Where is the "release" in a "full sweep release" golf swing?:) Also, When does the finish swivel occur in a sweep release, like Watson or Miller? from the face on view.
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