Tell me if my finding is accurate with your tastes. I have found more power and accuracy from the thought of feeling the left heel down first thing on the downswing to give me the power in the pivot. Opposed to feeling the hips first on the downswing.
I was thinking hips, and getting fair results, only when I thought about left heel first. the swing started to really jell, so crisp and accurate.
Do you think that when I was using hip thinking, the hips over shoot the stability of the left foot (heel).
Tell me if my finding is accurate with your tastes. I have found more power and accuracy from the thought of feeling the left heel down first thing on the downswing to give me the power in the pivot. Opposed to feeling the hips first on the downswing.
I was thinking hips, and getting fair results, only when I thought about left heel first. the swing started to really jell, so crisp and accurate.
Do you think that when I was using hip thinking, the hips over shoot the stability of the left foot (heel).