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I was hoping for some clarification/affirmation about the pivot. Is the pivot the same as if I crossed my arms across my chest (making an X with each hand on opposite shoulder) and turning back and then turning thru (pivot back, pivot thru).


Don't follow Jim McLeans advice of restricting your hip turn plz! Its just pointless and does not provide more power.

Hey, If that was the case then I should be hitting 350 yard drives everytime as mine is as minimal as you can get because I have an extremely good flexability between upper and lower body(infact I could just about turn my chest fully and near enough not turn my lower body at all which is what I did for a long time). Whilst I am pretty powerful and can hit it as far as the average tour player it doesn't add power. I try to turn my lower body a bit more nowadays and am far better for it.


quote:Originally posted by bcoak

I was hoping for some clarification/affirmation about the pivot. Is the pivot the same as if I crossed my arms across my chest (making an X with each hand on opposite shoulder) and turning back and then turning thru (pivot back, pivot thru).
I think you have been reading that Leadbetter stuff again. On the downswing make sure the trail shoulder goes DOWNPLANE towards the ball. The trail shoulder is much lower at impact than the way you describe. The hips bump 2" left from the top of the backswing triggering the downplane trail shoulder move and setting up the second axis which increases the spine tilt away from the target. There is more.
There are options on downswing shoulder plane.

Looking in mirror left ear over belt buckle on set up. Top of swing nose over rt. knee. Hip does not move or bump rt. on backwing .
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