What plane are we talking about ? Shaft plane ?
"Planes" are a static construct and do not exist for the swinging golfer; only paths exist.
The shaft not only flexes and unflexes; it twists and the tip droops approaching Impact. If there is a 'shaft plane', it fluctuates and meanders.
Lines drawn on video stills are only approximations, and even so, they are a best guess illustration.
Planes are useful for instructors as a diagnostic tool, but it's not real for the swinging golfer ... who can only direct their rotating body and attempt to alter their arms while their hands follow along.
only paths exist
Interesting aswers, because they show how vague the understanding of the whole concept of plane in the golf swing is.
Kevin's "no" is an answer which shows that he has probably changed his views on plane in the light of the recent developments. Is this correct Kevin? A yes or no will do.
SteveT's answer suggests that plane was always a dubious concept for the golf swing as a whole in his opinion.
Any scieintists/mathematicians out there? Can a plane be anything other than a straight line concept? ie can plane posess curvature?
drewyallop: said:You can understand how plane sort of mesmerized the golf teaching world. It sounds scientific and it promised a simple solution to swing issues: get the club "on plane" and your problems are solved.