Plane Board

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Anyone got any advice on how to make (and use properly) a full size plane board?

Also, anyone had any experience (or got any views) on the Plane Stick training aid I've seen advertised?

Thanks in advance
Mick Stup said:
Anyone got any advice on how to make (and use properly) a full size plane board?

Also, anyone had any experience (or got any views) on the Plane Stick training aid I've seen advertised?

Thanks in advance

I've got a full-size plane board and the plane stick, personally, I'd rather use the plane stick. With the plane stick you do it right or hit something, I think you get better a whole lot faster that way. I bet if you searched on the 'net you could find instructions for making a plane board.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
1) You need to find out what plane you swing on
2) You need to know what the different planes are and if you shift so you know how to set them up
Thanks for the responses guys.

Jim - I probably swing it on a different plane every time!:( .
I'd like to be able to take it up and down the Turned Shoulder Plane. Or at least know what it felt like to do that. I'd also like to know what it feels like to bring it back down to the elbow plane at the start of the downswing. Ideally I'd like to set it up for different planes so I can feel them all.

Matt - can you set up the plane stick for different planes? If not, what plane do you need to be on to avoid hitting it? Have you found it to be of benefit?
Like the new swing by the way, congrats. How's it performing in the heat of battle?

Mike, Where abouts in the UK are you? I have a plane board at my facility in Surrey if you pm me I will try and find you the measurements.
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