Breed and Todd Anderson presented at Oakmont recently. They were super nice guys and really polished speakers but the tracing the baseline and relative boring swing talk left me a little surprised. When two top teavhers are in in the room you'd expect to get some serious info, not same old same old.
But to be clear, they were really good guys.
I don't think TGC wants anything more than very basic.
But 'very basic' in this case means misleading, unhelpful, and bad information, so why defend that? I have heard that Michael Breed is not a dummy, and Todd Anderson just got named TOTY for the PGA, so in the year 2011 when there is a massive amount of good information at the tips of the finger of anybody with half a brain and a modicum of openmindedness, why is this stuff regurgitated?
But why are you defending him? You know a pretty good amount, so are you by proxy defending him on this point?
The 'plane line' breed is referring to is fairly useless in video analysis. Many good players reduce their vertical swing plane anyhow
I'm sure you've all seen this excellent video by Leitz. He traces the clubhead arc to give a clear indication of both an in-to-out as well as out-to-in Plane Direction. Guess what that arc would look like if the Plane Direction were NEITHER in-to-out nor out-to-in ( 0* Horizontal Plane Direction)???? Yep, you guessed it, a STRAIGHT LINE.
I'm sorry, what was that about a line being "fairly useless in video analysis"?
The butt section of the shaft is on the Sweetspot Plane, approaching impact, in a swing of good force. Drawing a line to represent a plane which shares the same vertical angle as the actual Sweetspot Plane, but with a square baseline, is very useful indeed. Drawing a line on the shaft at address, as Breed, Haney, and most others do, is mostly useless.