I plan on offering a service using our Flightscope here at the club, and am wondering what the members here feel would be the most important data to be aware from a players perspective.
Some immediate, obvious ones to me are:
-Average Carry distance with all your clubs / gapping
-Left vs. Right "miss" tendency
-Dispersion (if you hit some clubs more wild than others, on an offline-degrees-basis, not just distance-offline)
-Comparing the data on exisiting clubs, ie a 3-iron vs. a 3-hybrid
Any other ideas?
Some immediate, obvious ones to me are:
-Average Carry distance with all your clubs / gapping
-Left vs. Right "miss" tendency
-Dispersion (if you hit some clubs more wild than others, on an offline-degrees-basis, not just distance-offline)
-Comparing the data on exisiting clubs, ie a 3-iron vs. a 3-hybrid
Any other ideas?