Player "Profiling" - most important data?

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I plan on offering a service using our Flightscope here at the club, and am wondering what the members here feel would be the most important data to be aware from a players perspective.

Some immediate, obvious ones to me are:
-Average Carry distance with all your clubs / gapping
-Left vs. Right "miss" tendency
-Dispersion (if you hit some clubs more wild than others, on an offline-degrees-basis, not just distance-offline)
-Comparing the data on exisiting clubs, ie a 3-iron vs. a 3-hybrid

Any other ideas?
Angle of Attack with all clubs and a comparison with TOUR Players. Also, My Ball fitting data. I feel like at the end of last year the proV1 spun too much for me, before my swing fell apart. Those are the two that I'd really like to know.
Contemplating offering something similar as well. I was thinking along the lines of...

  • "How optimized is your driver"
  • iron gapping
  • ability to hit 50, 75, 100 yard shots
  • ball fitting
I don't know what level of ability/consistency on the player's part would be needed for you to get meaningful data - but could you offer to compile a list of stance/alignment adjustments through the bag for online clubhead path delivery?

A fair number of golfers won't even be aware that there is an issue here. So you'd either be talking about real added value - or (downside) you'll lose them straight off.
Here's mine:

- Attack Angle
- Face Angle
- Miss Tendency
- Smash Factor
- Spin Axis tendency

I could put club path there, but I understand the relation of Attack angle and HSP and really it's HSP that I need to work on and the club path will come along. Spin axis tendency I think is important to understand if I'm mis-hitting shots.

Dont forget Vertical Swing Plane, very important.

Would you care to elaborate? I am not doubting your claim in the least, just trying to understand it...

How does one's consistency in vertical swing plane affect the more tangible impact conditions? Thanks...
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Would you care to elaborate? I am not doubting your claim in the least, just trying to understand it...

How does one's consistency in vertical swing plane affect the more tangible impact conditions? Thanks...

Along with AoA, it directly effects the 3d path. Pretty important as Kevin said.
Vertical swing plane

It was a key factor for helping me understand the to clubhead orientation of my impact conditions.

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what does vsp help determine when teaching? (i.e., a golfer has a high vsp, what can you infer from this?)
what does the handle height effect?
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