Please Explain "Swivel"

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Hips are designed to move diagonally back and forwards, right hip moves diagonally, which is axis tilt up, on the downswing the left hip moves diagonally, which will give you axis tilt down, and then at impact the right hip will move around to where the left hip was, that is where the turn in the pivot is, not sooner.

Swing well!



A swivel is a mechanism of two parts, either of which can turn on the other.

In golfing parlance it is better refered to as a pivot, being a shaft or a pin on which something turns.

You "pivot" around your own spine when you swing back and forwards with your golf club.
quote:Originally posted by brianman

and to the 2/3rd position from impact.

My article will be UP tomorrow with a good look at the swivel.
Just for clarification for everyone,

2/3 rotation would be about when the left arm is parallel with the ground, 1/3 rotation being separation

another BD saying...;)
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