Please help interpret Trackman results

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I hit on a Trackman recently for a driver club fitting. This data is the average of the driver/shaft setup I ultimately bought.

General swing comments:
Driver is the best club in my bag. Irons much less consistent. Play to about a 5 hcp, but have problems with consitency. My game relies on the timing of my hands on any given day. I would consider my ballstriking to be poor, with a tendancy towards toe deep divots. My backswing typically is taken back upright, outside the correct plane and I reroute on the downswing in to out. My divots tend to point well right of target line. Couldn't slice the ball if my life depended on it.

I wonder if an educated eye could enlighten me as to what the data means and how I can improve upon it. Thanks!

Here they are:

Club Speed 109.8
Ball Speed 162.5
Smash Factor 1.48
Vertical Angle 16.0
Horizontal Angle -3.8
Spin Rate 1760
Spin Axis -23.1
Max Height 33.1
Carry 273.5
Side -52.1
Flight Time 6.18
Vertical Landing 36.3

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
We need to see the club delivery data for anything to be really discussed other than the shots were pull hooks. Good ball speed. That low spin rate is interesting.


I can't help but respond ...

I'm not a teacher, so take my little nugget for what it's worth ...

From what you describe, your symptoms are VERY similar to mine. Lower handicap (I bounce between a 3 to a 5), too in-out, hit the driver better than the irons, been on a launch monitor and have super low spin rate ....

Only difference is that you take toe divots, and I was usually a "picker" from coming in too shallow.

I am going to wait until I have a few more rounds under my belt to post more in detail about some of my results, (weather has been so crappy here), but short story is that I have had some of the best iron ballstriking rounds this spring, and I know EXACTLY why. Like you, I thought I was timing it with my hands and was too in to out, so I bought Flipper and NHA. This spring I bought Soft Draw, just because I wanted to learn more about the different patterns. In that video, Brian describes the backswing which after seeing my swing on video looks very similar - I take the club back "inside" and get a little "across the line" at the top. In that video is the concept of pop out. I started swinging without pop out and the results with my irons are like night and day. I am taking a divot, compressing the ball, hitting it on a great trajectory (instead of my old floater), hitting it longer, etc. My first nine holes with this swing thought I was 2 under and hit 8 greens, and have had similar results in the couple of rounds since then. The same swing thought hasn't initially translated as well to the driver, but I really haven't had any range time to give it a good try.

Just something to try, since our symptoms seem so similar. Also, I learned that just because you are a hooker, you don't necessarily need NHA. I may buy NSA soon as well, just to see if there any nuggets in there...
Good news cmow..for me I have the same sort of issues, by trying to keep the "club in front of me", yada,yada,yada. I have gotten rid of the popout and have had amazing results, with both the irons and longer clubs. It is amazing how in the arms feel and how high they feel as well. I would also recommend buying all the videos because you are correct you will get some more nuggets out of NSA..example, twistaway and a hard pivot DS=low/boring Tiger stinger shot...really cool when I get the alignments just right. Im taking stuff from NHA and trying to learn a baby cut...still a work in progress though.
Oh, I see. I thought that maybe those readings tracked clubface as well. Thanks for the clarification. And for the other comments as well.
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