Okay, let's get serious here.... you, cdw law, want to change your AoA and D-plane results. Also you have a herniated disc in your spinal column. Btw, can you tell us which disc is herniated? My guess it's either T-12 or L-1, a common stress location.
It's was noted that LD competitors were so fast in their downswing that their rear leg was still highly loaded and only after impact did they catch themselves on their lead leg. This is quite comprehensible, and it's not a true reverse pivot.
Could you try this downswing manoever to determine if your TM D-plane numbers move in the desired direction? I know it's a tad extreme, but with your very high speed swing, you may discover the anatomical quirks of your body... and it may even take the stress off your chronic spinal problem... for which you certainly don't want to go acute... ouch!