^^^ birdie_man .....
Science is universal .. and a good example is the science behind the D-plane and TrackMan.
Solving one person's golfswing problem is only anecdotal and cannot be used to justify the science or the methodology.
Reality is that golf instruction is a business and instructors must eat too ... while the average golfer is only searching for a quick golf tip that will mitigate their homemade swing mess for the weekend club tournament. So some old 50 y.o. fart decides he needs one lesson to get somebody to tell him what to do ... because his magnificent mind can direct his massive body for instant results. "Just tell me what to do!!!", he cries out!!!
No wonder BManz says he only tries to make minimal changes to a hacker's swing, because if he went beyond that, the entire homemade swing would unravel ... it's inherently unstable. The most profitable way is to use flight patterns, hopefully consistent, to diagnose the problem. If it's just a simple static Address or grip change, wonderful. If you must get into arm, hand, elbow planes, the problem is getting complicated.
If you have to get into the body dynamic anatomy, you are opening up a can of worms. Similarly on this fine forum, most of the 'advice' centers around the arm and club swing, because few want to delve into the golfer's decrepit body actions. What can you say about the segmental velocities of the various components of the body parts in the golfswing kinetic chain? Not much unless you can see what's happening, and clothing disguises it all.
To be truly scientific, you must take a holistic analysis of the entire golfer, not just his ball flight, arms and clubs. Tinkering is not truly scientific, although a scientific understanding of the golfswing can make tinkering more effective. If it works, the instructor is a 'genius'. If not, it doesn't matter because the pupil is most likely incompetent anyway.
Since the average golfer will not condition nor train, it all becomes a mutual shot in the dark. Apart from those on this forum, pitifully few will make a serious commitment to the game of golf. They just want 'fun', and from instruction they demand instant results for gratification.
Most here have paid the price in time, pain and money to achieve their status with their homemade swing, and they cling to their voodoo beliefs while trashing 'science'; but that's humanity.