Pressure points from the top

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Just wondering what some of you feel in the hands on the way down. I tend to put a little to much pressure on the right forefinger which gets the club vertical at the start of the downswing which makes the clubhead go underplane coming into impact. Tonight I tried just pulling with the last three fingers of the left hand and it looked better on video but I haven't hit balls yet. I think all that hitting crap I was trying got me doing this.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
If you are are swinging you shouldn't be pulling with anything, your pivot should be doing all the work and you will "feel" the pressure in the pressure points.

Like XplosiveGolf says, don't be moving your arms wth your arms, move them with your pivot.

Michael Jacobs

Super Moderator
Good point Jim, One of Homer's best was at start down feel as though hands stay right where they are - don't question that feel - Monitor those hands which are always on plane -- That is a Hand Controlled Pivot FOLKS!! That is the answer and definition - Hands telling the pivot where to take them - Hands in Control - Pivot being the CHAUFFEUR ---
As for the question on pressure points, a golfer definitely might feel that 1/4 turn at start down and also a firming up of the #3 on the downstroke especially when the club is parallel to the ground at release point to follow through -- pressure in that #3 is kept on there from the backside (core)

At standard address pressure in #3 should be almost non existent and then thrown on there on the back stroke

Michael Jacobs

Super Moderator
Jim K, are you a Cubs fan? I see you are a bears fan

lived in NY since a kid other than college but became die hard cubs fan
THanks Brian....

You swing/lift your hands to the top and you have them pulled toward impact.

There is a HUGE trick to all of long you "keep them at the top." ;)

Amongst many things I have to work on, I feel I make a good pivot but....get the upper body, arms, and hands working in the wrong the start down.

In addition to the "learn a draw" project, I need to work on this "trick" as well.
Could it be untill your hips pull them down to square. I try doing this and the feel is great but most of the times my club head is late to the ball. Why is that?...joe
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