problem finishing the pivot

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i have a problem with finishing my pivot on the forward swing. i still seem like i quit and then my hands get ahead of the pivot and i flip through and results seem to be hooks. i have the flipper video and know the towel drill, but are there any others that may help me finish a little better? thanks


I third that motion. That drill was one of the things I almost thought had no merit and yet when I did it a door opened.
yes i have, but oddly enough i can do the drills, but when trying to hit fuller shots with a ball i just get so ball bound and don't swing through.
Try looking an inch or two in front of the ball. Or actually hit a ball outside your lead foot while maintaining proper axis tilt and try to hit a fade with the ball there.


i have a problem with finishing my pivot on the forward swing. i still seem like i quit and then my hands get ahead of the pivot and i flip through and results seem to be hooks. i have the flipper video and know the towel drill, but are there any others that may help me finish a little better? thanks

What exactly do you mean when you say you are not finishing your pivot?You don't have that pro looking wrap around finish?Although desirable,it's not not absolutely necessary to have a full wrap around finish.Of course,there is a point where your forward pivot will lack penetration and I think it's usually a result of running out of right arm or running out of right shoulder or something along those lines.The cause of this is usually the hit impulse.This is unfortunately a mental issue rather than a technical one if you don't flip when there is no ball but all hell breaks loose when there is.

Some kind of aiming point concept is required in these sort of cases.You need to experiment to see what works best for you.
ej20: i think you're right in that i lack penetration in the forward pivot. eventually i get there, but it's after the hands have passed through that the rest follows. and yes, i do have the 'hit' impulse. i do drills fine it seems, but can't take it past that consistently.
well--i played today and worked on a couple things. first thing is that i played the ball a bit further up. seems to help as i only pull hooked one. others seemed pretty solid. feels a bit odd with the ball forward(but actually prob. where it should be). my only concern would be lunging a bit to get to the ball rather than pivoting through it. my only problem today was if i missed a green it was a bit short and then i shanked a few really short shots. that's another problem in that i know i'm leaning into the ball and my hands must be moving toward the ball too much. any help on that or should i post another thread? anyway, i'm excited about some things i did today.
well--i played today and worked on a couple things. first thing is that i played the ball a bit further up. seems to help as i only pull hooked one. others seemed pretty solid. feels a bit odd with the ball forward(but actually prob. where it should be). my only concern would be lunging a bit to get to the ball rather than pivoting through it. my only problem today was if i missed a green it was a bit short and then i shanked a few really short shots. that's another problem in that i know i'm leaning into the ball and my hands must be moving toward the ball too much. any help on that or should i post another thread? anyway, i'm excited about some things i did today.

You may have seen this thread, but try working your hands in closer to your body on your downswing like Sergio--you must keep turning through the ball too.
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