Problem hitting it heavy

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As you can see I am new to the forum and wondered if I could ask a question.
All the TGM ideas are totally new to me and I feel I may need a lot of work.

One problem I am having at present is a heavy shot, not a deep divot but behind the ball 2 to 3 inches. I am also having MAJOR problems with my chipping. Same thing, bottom of my swing behind the ball.

A chipping lesson I had my teacher suggested I was holding the left wrist too firm and rocking the shoulders up causing me to come too far inside with an open face. No way of squaring it from there :mad:

Is my chipping as bad as my full swing or even worse?

On video I look very static at impact with my hips square and right foot totally flat. Half way through the follow through my hips and right foot look like where they should be at impact. This is all I can remember, will try to see this again today.

Is it my pivot causing the problem? Or the club face?

I had a lesson where I was told I have a reverse pivot with my hips but I couldn't understand or do what he wanted me to.

My bad shot is a pull hook. Left and lefter makes me feel sick !!!!!!!! :eek:

I am 31 years old, play of 4 but not with the heavy shots and pull hook.

Almost gave up last year with the chipping issue.

Is there a pivot with chipping/small pitch?

Any good ideas for practicing the correct pivot?

Sorry if this seems all over the place but I'm so confused :confused:


I'm a newbie here myself. I've been soaking up information and haven't had the time to introduce myself to everyone (will do soon).

But I think I can answer your biggest question. Go buy Confessions of a former flipper NOW! I won't try to diagnose all potential issues you might have in your swing, but you are definitely flipping. Start there and I think you'll be on the right path.
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