Problem with Pulls

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I've been struggling recently with pulls. I had another guy on our golf team check my alignment today and I'm consistently starting balls left of the line on which I'm aiming. It's a problem with all club in my bag from wedges to driver, even chips and pitches tend to start a bit left. As the clubs get longer they tend to start more left. My shots have little to no turn (fade or draw) they simply start left. They are going on a nice normal trajectory, I have nice lag and a good forward divot, all in all the shots seem very good and solid they simply start left (15-20 yards with a driver, 5 with a sand wedge). Any idea on how to deal with this issue?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Make sure that your right hand grip is not too "turned." The more you grip it stronger in the right hand the faster the face closes.
With regards to my swingpath I'll try to get some video and get a look, I believe my divots are pointing slightly left of the target but I'll have to check on that.

To the question about whether or not theyre low-they're not, perhaps slightly lower than shots I hit that start online, but not 20 foot off the ground screamers. But it's a bit tough to say since I typically hit it pretty high up there all the time. But I'm not struggling to elevate drivers or fairway woods or long irons...
An observation based on my struggles...

I was suffering with the same thing. Worked real hard on OOT, closed clubface, late release, etc...

What I found is that I was having a real weight shift problem on the downswing.

My pulls were mostly on the driver. Irons were ok. On the driver, I really have to make sure I wait and transfer 90% of weight to the right and then make sure it goes left to start the d/s.

Major improvement when nothing else was working. Keeping more weight left was causing me to be over active on that side making the driver constantly miss HARD left.
Hey Jim,

I tried getting my right hand a bit more on top to match my left hand, which to the best of my ability/knowledge is in a Manzella neutral position. When doing so I had some mixed results...

On the positive side- Solid shots with irons seemed to go on a nice trajectory with a 4 or 5 yard fade. I had a much easier time hitting soft pitches and wedge shots.

Negatively-Drivers tended to still be either straight pulls or really high 15-20 yard fades.

And most troublesome I started hitting a few shanks, which is a semi-new problem.

Any further thoughts based on this would be greatly appreciated.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Hey Jim,

I tried getting my right hand a bit more on top to match my left hand, which to the best of my ability/knowledge is in a Manzella neutral position. When doing so I had some mixed results...

On the positive side- Solid shots with irons seemed to go on a nice trajectory with a 4 or 5 yard fade. I had a much easier time hitting soft pitches and wedge shots.

Negatively-Drivers tended to still be either straight pulls or really high 15-20 yard fades.

And most troublesome I started hitting a few shanks, which is a semi-new problem.

Any further thoughts based on this would be greatly appreciated.

Well, doesn't sound like a grip problem, more like a path problem them. You are coming in above plane for some reason.

There are so many reasons it would be hard to say which one you're doing.
OK, well just knowing that that is the root of my problem is great. So ideally I would simply work on keeping the club on a better plane coming down? I.E. less above the plane, more to the inside aft quadrant? Maybe work some with a box or plane board outside the ball, work with a laser to trace a straight plane line, work on getting the right shoulder more downplane?
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