How to reproduce on course golf
Here goes from MY point of view
Practice playing golf on course OR practice mechanics
Practice playing golf
Never hit the same club twice in a row or the same shape shot twice in a row when practicing "on course golf"
Have a piece of paper with two lines parallel going from top to bottom. representing a fairway and a circle representing a green.
Every shot you hit either put a cross on the fairway to show where it would be (never hit two drives in a row) and put a number (instead of a cross)representing what iron you hit and where it would of finish on your imaginary green (your target). Do this and hit loads of chips/pitches/draws/fade/high/low etc etc etc.
You'll get a pattern of what happens on course...
Anyone can start to hit a club fine when you hit 10 of them in a row.....but what happenes when you hit a high fade to a green 150 away with a right to left breeze and only get one go at it?
But what happens when you hit it one time only?
This will tell you what to work on when working on mechanics (range rat mode) and do this at a different session.
Injury gave me a new insight into practice...
I can't hit hundreds any more and I have NEVER hit it better. Learn how to learn BETTER. I have mentioned before the 32 ball drill by Carey Mumford.
It is REALLY HARD to just work on one thing at a time....and we need someone like Brian to tell us what that should be
I really believe practicing mechanics is different to practicing on course golf....
Annikas coach had one guy at a golf school who was SO frustrated at not taking on range performance onto the course...
Then he worked it all out....
He loved range hitting, it chilled him out and he loved tinkering......
He just didn't like playing on a course. The range WAS golf to him.....
I love that story
Hope this might help, I have read a fair bit about it and would happily recommend books if anyone want to pm me