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I just thought I would post a progress report, after our lesson I watched NHA2.0 and have spent the last few weeks with a cardboard driver box outside the ball to reresent the "wall" I have found that the more I turn left and swing down the wall and to the left the better I strike it!
yesterday I went out to play and with the visuals of taking the grip off the hip as fast as you can drill on the backswing and getting as open as possible on the down swing I had my best ball striking round in years!
I have drank the Cool Aid and it is good!


The concepts in the videos are really good aren't they. Glad to hear about your progress.
I have to say as a former PGA member and frustrated missionary in the search for golfing truth my eyes have been opened and my knowledge has been expanded. I now know what I see and understand what i know.
I do not think Bmanz teaching is revolutionary in content but it is groundbreaking in the ability to understand. Like teaching a man to fish vs giving a man a fish. food for life or a day.
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