Pull Hooks

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Of all the shots I can hit, my pull hooks feel best and go farther than any other. I would like, of course, to hit that same shot at the target, but find it very difficult to do. Anyone else with this situation, and if you overcame it, please explain how.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
pull hooks can be the result of a neutral, too left, or even too right path but they all pretty much require a too closed face. You need to find a way to get the face more open and see where the ball goes then. Do you own never hook again? Try to make that swing and see if you can fade it. Once you can, move back to something more neutral.


Pull fade is a fairway finder but only good if you have power to spare like Jack.A straight pull probably gets 20 more yards of roll but harder to control.A 230 yard pull fade is not going to do too much damage to a 7000 yard course.

Low clubhead speed players need to learn the right to left shot unless you have figured out Hogan's secret.

I would learn how to take the hook out and just hit a straight pull.Maybe weaken the grip a touch.


Ej, why is a pull harder to control?

Relative to a pull fade it is.Not so much the swing mechanics.The ball flight for a pull is lower,runs more and it's harder to predict where the ball ends up.Pull fades rarely end up in big trouble.I believe that was Nicklaus's stock ball flight.
What shot can one hit consistently under pressure? The ball does't care whether it's a fade or draw. If a person is better at timing a draw under pressure I say they should stick with the draw. Our brains and biomechanical patterns are vastly different and what counts IMO is what one can consistently hit under pressure.

I've played pull draws for a long time and aim way right.
Dealt with the pulls and big hooks yesterday. I know I'm way inside at the moment. I played it ok, but hit a couple wayward shots that missed greens left, even after bombing it off the tee into pole position. Every time it happens I spend some time at the range trying to hit cuts and it tends to sort itself out. You can either aim it right or try to get there with a less closed face, but I don't know if I'd try the less closed face on the course. Too scary to me, and you start thinking way too much for your own good.

One of my buddies gave me what he called the push/pull drill. Start hitting shots that start and end up way out right field and progressively come left until you're hitting left to lefters. Then you go back to the middle, or even a bit right. That seems to help me, as well. Not very technical, but it helps me out.
Working on my pull hooks today, I think I have been getting the club a little outside of the shaft plane on the DS. With a square clubface, I get a straight pull, and with a face closed to the path, a pull hook. I'm working on moving left on the DS and keeping the right shoulder back. Hit some very nice shots. Thanks to all who responded.
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