Dealt with the pulls and big hooks yesterday. I know I'm way inside at the moment. I played it ok, but hit a couple wayward shots that missed greens left, even after bombing it off the tee into pole position. Every time it happens I spend some time at the range trying to hit cuts and it tends to sort itself out. You can either aim it right or try to get there with a less closed face, but I don't know if I'd try the less closed face on the course. Too scary to me, and you start thinking way too much for your own good.
One of my buddies gave me what he called the push/pull drill. Start hitting shots that start and end up way out right field and progressively come left until you're hitting left to lefters. Then you go back to the middle, or even a bit right. That seems to help me, as well. Not very technical, but it helps me out.