Pull Left shots are 15 to 20 yards further!!!

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Something I've noticed over the past few years (at the range) is that I will pull some shots left and they almost always fly 15 to 20 yards further then my straight shots or push shots!!! I'm starting to think that whatever I'm doing when this happens is something I should be doing all the time (except hitting it left). It feels like my hands are definitely tight to my body on the downswing and maybe the wrist cock is held a little more than normal (delayed release).

Again, is this the feeling/downswing I should be working on to become my normal??? (of course work on the swing plane so that the ball doesn't end up left). It's amazing the increase in distance I get and it almost feels efortless.

What you guys think?



I asked Brian about this and he said something like the pull shot goes longer because you slam on the brakes and hit the dashboard.
quote:Originally posted by hue

I asked Brian about this and he said something like the pull shot goes longer because you slam on the brakes and hit the dashboard.

Ahahahhahaha....I don't get it.


What you're feeling is compression. You're hitting down on that ball....mashing it.

When I hit pulls it's because I don't have any axis tilt through impact (like in Brian's logo- or read the Trevino thread for more on this).

I come over the top a bit (no longer TRACING a straight plane line- i.e. Flashlight Drills) and onto my left side and mash down on it.....

But no axis tilt....this is also why I think most pulls are low too.

Axis tilt allows you to hit the inside corner of the ball.

BTW you COULD very well play a pull (Snead, Goosen....Kenny Perry plays a hook I think- one of the best ballstrikers on Tour)....BUT......

I just love fades, personally.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Pulls generally hit longer and lower because you are delofting the clubface to much bigger extreme than you normally would otherwise imo.
IMO pulls go further because you are really getting your body mass into the outside corner of the ball more so than most people can get their body mass into the inside corner of the ball.
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