Pulling;Outside in path

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First time at the range since Golf Tip Hindenburg last Friday. No permanent harm done on the power front. Lots of pulls however, and vicious hooks with the driver. Love the distance, but being 30 yds off target to the left can't be good, even if predictable.

I do detect the blur of my clubhead on an outside in path. Major swingthought on the DS is get weight on left heel asap. Also in back of my mind , I try to maintain left knee bend and not straighten up too soon or at all. I think my hips might be rotating out of sync with my arms and upper body, or stop rotating altogether at impact. Pivot not trained to slide hips laterally while arms and hands go down and out. I am very used to my hips sliding cross-laterally .Better lateral hip slide seems to promote a more outside in path. Or could be I am still not sliding correctly.

Also detect bawk bawk bawk on followthrough.

I can correct the problem by opening the clubface at address. However, I use an adjusted hands address where both wrists are bent, clubshaft is leaning forward, and hands are ahead of the ball. Clubface being open 30 degrees seems like one big old Band Aid, like the one Richard Gere used to cover up his tattoo in an Officer and a Gentleman. Also, #3ACC is pretty much zeroed out. Helps eliminate that dreaded cocked right wrist.

I have a decent swivel, the Manzellavel, which is my finish position, where my right palm faces the target, left palm faces mostly towards me, right arm more or less straight pointing leftwards, and the clubshaft is perpendicular to the target line with the butt end pointing at the target line.

On BS, I just let the unstressed right wrist and the right forearm wedge float up plane, then lift my left arm with my right arm the rest of the way. Slackless.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I think you need to:

1) slow down

2) get some plane lasers

3) practice with #2


Honestly, if you did some easy work with some plane lasers you'd #1 train your hip slide to get the laser to point on the plane line during transition and #2 because of #1 you won't be over the top.

Work on that...once you have an on plane motion you can work on accuracy later. Remember....inside back corner. Put clubs down on the ground for reference: one club along your toe line for target and another one that is parallel to that inside back corner. Gives you the VISUAL of swinging DOWN AND OUT.


I don't want to look like a Cirque du Soleil reject when I practice.[:eek:)]. Lasers , pass.

I'm already knowledgable about the 3_D inclined plane, the down and out DS, etc, but that knowledge clearly doesn't translate into competent execution in my case. Physics, bleh. Actually , I was interested if Brian had his own patented version of the HK , Yoda, inside out cut shot anti-steering therapy if steering is what ails me.

This forum is supposed to be for Brian's solutions, correct?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
DDL...brian initially had said that i could help with answers and later noticed that he changed it. This was AFTER i posted my post to you.
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