Could you elaborate regading axis tilt . . .
I was just about ready to make the following post when I came across Borisinpa's question.
For all of the swing doctors our there:
If I make a cognitive decision to hit the ball left of my target, or in other words, left of where my shoulders and lower body are aligned, I will hit the ball long and straight almost every time. AND, I get about 10-15% more distance by pulling through the ball and swinging what has to be an outside-in path.
Yet when I swing directly towards the target I am aligned to, I often push the ball right, unintentionally fade or slice the ball, or pull the ball left anyway, but in any case, the distance is 10-15% less than when I swing to leftfield.
BTW, I can feel my left elbow brush against my ribcage in my downswing, so maybe I am not outside-in?
I have made sure my alignment is spot-on, including my shoulders pointing towards the target at set up. Would bringing the body through to quickly cause this? Leaning left with the body? Often if I really get into one, I can step through the shot with my right foot, if you know what I mean.
How can I take my leftfield distance and direct it at my target?
What gives?
P.S. thanks to Brian for this great website and forum