Pure Swing and Swingyde

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I was having a look at the training aid called Pure Swing that has been mentioned here.


This reminded me of a post on another forum (Single Axis Forum) made by someone who went by the handler "Dognut". (Perhaps he is lurking around here?) I bookmarked that post and looking it up again. It was made on November 9 2003. He and I were discussing various ways to use a training aid called Swingyde.


He came up with a way of using it that made it function very similar to the Pure Swing device. I wasn't aware of the Pure Swing back then, but here is a transcript of my post that summarise Dognut's ideas.



I vote dognut's post as the "post of the year", and his idea of using the Swingyde as the "idea of the year".

Dognut's Swingyde idea will help EVERYONE. Not just conventional golfers or SA golfers but anyone who plays golf. It's brilliant. Whilst I have been criticized for calling someone else's work a waste of time, I can't say enough good things about this idea of using the Swingyde. I would strongly urge everyone to buy/steal/borrow a Swingyde and try this.

I have drawn a couple of diagrams to make it clearer. Dognut may want to add or correct anything that may be different to his way of doing it.

Install the Swingyde upside down so that it fits onto the butt end of the club. Here is a diagram.


The Swingyde should be rotated 15 to 30 degrees clockwise from the leading edge so that if you looked down the shaft from the butt end of the club, it would look something like this:


You'll find that the butt end of the grip is a bit too thick for the Swingyde. You won't be able to put the nut and bolt on. Just use a piece of string or one of those cables with teeth on it to secure the Swingyde.

Start with some gentle half to three quarter shots. Take the club back until the hands are around chest/shoulder height. The Swingyde should be barely touching the inside of the left forearm where the wrist watch band is. (BTW, you may want to wear the sweat band that came with the Swingyde over the wrist watch).

Now swing slowly down to the impact position and feel the pressure of the Swingyde on the inside of the left forearm INCREASING. Do whatever the hands need to do to feel this increase in pressure. If you look in the mirror, you'll notice that the back of the left wrist is becoming BOWED. (See picture of Hogan's raised wristbone in his book "Five Lessons" page 102)

Now swing gently through to the mirror shoulder high position on the followthrough. The pressure should have eased off somewhat, but the Swingyde should still touch the inside of the left forearm. You'll notice that the back of the left wrist may be slightly cupped but is still relatively flat. The palm of the left hand should now look somewhat towards the sky (i.e. the left forearm supinated and the left hand turned over).

When you are comfortable with this, try hitting some gentle 9 iron shots, feeling the same solid hand action through impact. You'll find that the contact is crisp.

Just to finish off, let me add that I think dognut's way of using the Swingyde is better than any other training aid or method that teaches you to keep the left wrist flat through impact. The tactile feedback from the Swingyde and the fact that you have to use the correct muscle action in order to achieve the pressure from the SG on the left forearm makes this ideal for learning. No verbal thoughts. Just feel the pressure and observe what you have to do.

This is definitely one for the archives. Well done, dognut.


PS. When you really get good at this, you can introduce some fades and draws but rotating the SG a little bit counter-clockwise and clockwise respectively.

----------------End Quote------------------------

I haven't really used this device since then, but after reading about Pure Swing and how Brian uses it in his teaching, I brought it back out again. Here are some pics of the Swingyde installed in this manner on a mini training club.




If you already have the Swingyde, it's worthwhile trying this. I think it's a better way of using it than how it was originally designed to be used. The good thing about it is that you can use it on your own club, however, because you have to use something like a cable tie to attach it to the club, it's a bit fiddly to get it on and off.
I cant believe how many people actually buy the swingyde, for its intended purpose, maintaining lag, it is no good. Who only wants 90 degrees between their lead arm and the clubshaft?
jono, that was me during my single axis years. It led me to this site. Haven't left since. John Rohan-Weaver, inventor of the Pureswing, can trick out the device to Brian Manzella twist-away standards and it has the same feel as my old swingyde trick.
Brian, Jono is a real thinker and excellent contributor. Don't let his sophomore ranking fool you. He's got good game and is a good contributor. Good to hear from you again, Jono.

Thanks for the memories.


I recall the original link Jono, a great way to feel the left wedge. You can also use the swingyde to work on your right forearm/bent right wrist for chip/pitch drills.
Hey Jono, your posts are fresh and interesting and illustrated wonderfully and avoid the confusion of 'text only' explanations - keep them coming!


quote:Originally posted by diggerdog

jono, that was me during my single axis years. It led me to this site. Haven't left since. John Rohan-Weaver, inventor of the Pureswing, can trick out the device to Brian Manzella twist-away standards and it has the same feel as my old swingyde trick.
Brian, Jono is a real thinker and excellent contributor. Don't let his sophomore ranking fool you. He's got good game and is a good contributor. Good to hear from you again, Jono.

Thanks for the memories.

Hey Dognut ... I mean Diggerdog. :) When I first looked at the photo of the Pure Swing device, I almost fell out of my chair. It instantly reminded me of your method of using the Swingyde some years ago.

Great to see you here. [8D]


quote:Originally posted by EdZ

I recall the original link Jono, a great way to feel the left wedge. You can also use the swingyde to work on your right forearm/bent right wrist for chip/pitch drills.


I actually used to use the Swingyde in a way that it would fall on my right wrist (instead of the left) even for the full swing. I used to believe, and I guess I still do, that the most important wrist hinge angle is that between the club and the right forearm, through the #3 pressure point. I wanted to feel this angle, especially coming to the release point, and Swingyde helped me do this.

I'll post something about this another time.


Using two of them at once is an interesting way to 'set the wedge(s)', and feel the power package structure and the connection that can result.


I've been hitting balls with the Swingyde set the way described in the first post, mostly hitting three quarter punch shots, concentrating on a better delivery line and getting over the "unhurdlable hurdle". I've developed a nice big red wheal where the Swingyde touches the inside of my left wrist. The more I can sustain the lag, the more I can feel the pressure from the Swingyde on the inside of my left wrist. It's almost like it's become my "fifth pressure point" ... LOL.

If you learn how to get the left wrist to "outrun" the hand, you can get an arched left wrist to be a pressure point, and as a bonus, you won't need extensor action anymore.
Anyone still have the pics that were a part of the post? I noticed that they disappeared about 2-3 weeks ago. Thanks.


true. I was thinking of getting the swingyde and modifying as jono suggested.

It's akin to the pureswing from Rover golf, but you can attach this to any club; so it might give you the same feedback but it's a bit more versatile since I can attach it to anything (driver to wedge).


Hi guys. Unfortunately, I could only find the illustrations on my hard drive, but not the photos. I have uploaded these to a new host, so they should work again.


quote:Originally posted by Jono

Hi guys. Unfortunately, I could only find the illustrations on my hard drive, but not the photos. I have uploaded these to a new host, so they should work again.

So, is the Swingyde a good substitute for the Pure Swing? I bought a Swingyde before I researched the Pure Swing, so I'm having a hard time justifying buying the Pure Swing if the Swingyde is an acceptable alternative. Anyone out there who has tried both and can provide some insight into this? Does the Pure Swing provide any additional benefit over the Swingyde?
Recently posted a question on Swingyde to this thread which was removed ????

My original posting, asking few questions about the upside/down use of Swingyde was removed without notice except some mumbo-jumbo from someone called mkemble who sent me an e-mail stating the following;

mkemble has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Pure Swing and Swingyde - in the Golfing Discussions forum of Brian Manzella Golf Forum.

This thread is located at:

Hmmm...first post and it's in response to 6+ year old post about some lame training aid. No questions about the new release? Or tumble? D Plane?

Good luck with the bowed wrists.

Is your Hmmm a sign suggesting you were really thinking about this aloud in vocal-fry? My question was not about bowed wrist(s). It' was about using Swingyde to promote a bowed "left wrist" - not "bowed wrists". Just because you can't or don't do it, doesn't make it irrelevant. Didn't they teach you that in grade school? I asked my questions in the context of dynamic motion. I had the impression this is a forum where people exchange ideas about golf and certainly you have a right to promote your teaching methods and disapprove ones you consider worthless. I haven't yet read a single argument to support the claim Swingyde is a lame product as you called it or what's wrong with a 'bowed wrist' at impact. That includes your e-mail which questions how someone could ask about an outdated swing-aid and golfing technique invalidated by superior golfing minds and technology. This may indicate you have only two cells in your brain and it's questionable whether either one is functional.

mkemble I don't know who you are, some moderator-in-chief, web-site administrator or Mr. Putin's newly appointed Minister of Censorship? Improve your reading skills and comprehension before deciding who can post what. If you are working for this web-site, you are a bureaucrat with a keyboard who needs to be shipped to a golf re-education labor camp - for you I recommend Dean Reimuth - the Dean of Golf, who will remind you every second you're doing it all wrong.

Do you have some limitation or hang-up on old threads before people can post questions? If yes, why don't you exercise your power and close the thread? Your e-mail implies my first posting should be about "new release", "tumble" and " D Plane"? In other words techniques this site must be promoting which is fine. If you have any imagination, you know what you can do with your attitude.

I don't know what happened to my original post which was published on this thread yesterday. All you can offer is your sorry attitude. You call Swingyde a lame product which maybe true for you but you miss the point ... it's not Swingyde that's lame but your annoying communication, not to mention your actions - assuming you are the instigator, offering no explanation for removing the posting other than complaining about 6 year old postings. If you are an employee of this web-site, I hope they're not paying you because whoever hired you can ask any homeless/unemployed person who will do a better job.

Good luck with your tumble and D plane. Now remove this posting as well so you can really feel empowered.
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Rize666, I commented on your post because I thought it strange that your first post was on an almost 7 year-old thread about a training aid. It seemed, well, hmmm...like spam. My apologies to you if it wasn't, though it seems the forum moderator thought it was too.

Just to be clear, I did not remove your post. I'm not a forum moderator and, shhh, don't tell anyone, I don't speak for Brian Manzella - maybe he loves the Swingyde. I really don't care what you post on this website but, just like you, I reserve the right to comment on it. However, I'm sure Brian Manzella cares what you, me and the rest of the world posts on HIS website, and I'm guessing he reserves the right to remove or edit posts as he sees fit. If you're upset that your post was removed, send him or the forum moderator a note asking why. Hopefully they will explain.

Lastly, I don't care how you swing the golf club or what positions you're trying to get into during the swing, and I wish you all the best in your golfing endeavors. If the Swingryde is the majic bullet for you, fantastic. I'm sure a follow-up post will be forthcoming. Just don't be surprised if it gets removed.
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