Been working on a project for Explosive Golf 2 -- want to take a survey and put together what I feel TGM has been missing --- good solid patterns for putting
What types of components / variations do you use:
Arm stroke? shoulder stroke? plane angle?
grip type ?
grip Under heel pad or across plam zeroing out the #3 accumulator?
That type of stuff, what components are you using?
Thanks in Advance!
Mike Jacobs
To answer you question more specifically, there is only one components that need to be correct for putting well. That is the component between your ears...
You can use any putting style you like, any putter and any grip, but all are pretty useless without the correct stimulation from your brain at the correct time (for incorrect stimulation ref."Yips").
By correcting your grey matter component, you can then, 1) firstly and foremostly (?) learn accurate distance judgement.
2) Once you have achieved that skill, you then have to retain it, whilst applying another complimentary stimulus to achieve correct blade angle at impact.
3) Once you have done that, and only then, can you learn to judge breaks and gradients on the greens.
It doesn't matter how you stand. It doesn't matter what grip you use (within reason) and it doesn't matter what putter you have in your hand. If you get the above first two basic principles correct and then add the third you will make the putts and your grey matter stimulus on each stroke will be totally compatible with achieving the objective, i.e. getting that little bugger into the hole...

We all start this thing the wrong way around. The first thing generally taught is how to stand, how to grip, rock the shoulders, etc etc. etc etc....that actually hinders your progress.