I've been thinking a lot about putter design lately. I find center-shafted, non-offset putters easiest for me to aim and putt with.
I like that the sweetspot is aligned with the shaft. It makes sense to me. Contact feels much more solid.
The center-shafted putter is also easier for me to look at. Nice and simple. I find double-bend putter shafts to be disorienting, and most plumber-neck hosels make the face look closed.
The thing I like most about the center-shafted putter is that it makes it very easy for me to trace a straight plane line. I just keep the tip of the shaft pointed at the line throughout the stroke, though it does move off for longer putts.
As far as stroke type is concerned, I think I'm fairly SBST. It's just how I putt, there's been no conscious effort to avoid an arcing stroke. Opening and closing the face feels unnatural, so I just let the putter swing while making sure that the face angle stays perpendicular to the plane.
Lately, I've been experimenting with more of a side sadde stroke. It's not Sam Snead side saddle, but I'm standing more open to the line with a narrower stance and just trying to brush the ball to the hole. I have a 38-inch putter with a long grip that I hold split-handed, ala Happy Gilmore (I'm starting to think that movie may end up as one of the greatest golf instructional videos of all time).
It's been lethal on short putts, but I have to remind myself not to get too flippy with the brushing. Tracing a straight plane line helps.
As far as D-plane/swinging left is concerned, I'm content to leave that alone unless I really start to have problems. My stance is that if I'm rolling it well, there's a decent chance I'm already conforming to at least some of the D-plane imperatives.
D-Plane is alive and well in putting, but you should not hit down on your putts. Thus, you should not swing left.
But where D-Plane comes into play is the face has much more effect on the initial direction than stroke path. So your face needs to be square to the target at impact and at seperation.
Understand what this chart is below and you have taken a major step in improving your green reading, where to aim and will help your stroke (since you're not aiming at the incorrect spot).
So on a put that looks like it breaks a foot, the ball will only move 4" (the apex) sideways. Or you should generally play more break than it looks?
Understand what this chart is below and you have taken a major step in improving your green reading, where to aim and will help your stroke (since you're not aiming at the incorrect spot).
D-Plane is alive and well in putting, but you should not hit down on your putts. Thus, you should not swing left.
Mark was kind enough to send me the 'normal' and 'tournament' speed versions of his charts. They are, without a doubt, the coolest things I've used having anything to do with putting/scoring. Pelz started blowing up the whole 'apex putting' way of green reading by saying the break is aprox 3x the apex, but the science behind what Mark has done takes it to a whole other level.
If you use an on plane stroke, and I believe that 70& of golfers (AT LEAST) should, you have to "swing left" to aim straight and hit up like you should!
Pelz says that you need to play 3x more break than you think. There's a big flaw in that theory and causes golfers to leave putts that break too high. What the graph is saying, for a hole that is on a planar slope (one side is high one side is low) to HIT THE BALL SO IT GOES ON THE LINE YOU READ, you have to AIM ABOVE THE APEX. So essentially you're not playing more break, you're reading the line of the putt like you normally would, you're just aiming above the apex so you can get the ball on that line.
One of the issues with Pelz's theory is that it can cause the golfer some major issues with speed and touch since they are essentially reading the putt incorrect. Here you are reading the putt correctly, just adjusting your aim spot from where you usually would aim.
Which side of our fair city do you play on?
Since Pelz has been mentioned quite a bit in this thread, one of the putting aids he has that I have is the Putting Tutor. It really took my putting to a whole new level and will allow you to really see how much "more" break you need to play than what you typically play. It makes the chart/graph shown make much more sense when you can experience with the help of an aid what aim point putting is all about. If you don't have one, you should strongly consider it especially if putting is a weakness.
I've also got an improvement for the 1.5* of effective loft from this putter. Do you know the loft of the one you're hitting?
If you use an on plane stroke, and I believe that 70& of golfers (AT LEAST) should, you have to "swing left" to aim straight and hit up like you should!
If the putting tutor is placed on the green on a slope does the ball start to break and hit the marbles?