Question about left arm flying wedge rotation

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Is this something that should happen incrementally throughout the backswing or should I try to resist it until the momentum of the club forces it near the top of the backswing? Does it make a difference?

Thanks for your input.


This can work for some players.A late rotation of the left arm flying wedge.This works for Alvaro Quiros.You gotta find what works for you.I can't handle such large and abrupt changes in the plane of the shaft.


Yeah I just checked his swing out and that's what I'm referring to. It does feel like a drastic movement of the shaft through the transition.


I realized a while back that I was using the pop out move and over rotating the left arm pretty severely. This was due to the belief that I needed to get my left arm swinging up against Hogan's plane of glass on the backswing. I've been trying to remedy this but I didnt know how much rotation was acceptable at what point in the swing, and I think I might be over-correcting with this Quiros-type move.
How do you "measure" LAFW rotation, and what's an orthodox benchmark?

Shaft pointed at target at top of swing? (Assuming 90* turn and shaft parallel to ground?)
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