Is the transition from the backswing to the downswing the same for hitters and swingers? Also, in Tomasello's videos, he says that if the arms go up past a certain point, and the right elbow disconnects from the body, that the first move to start the downswing must be to drop the arms and reconnect the right elbow. This move can be seen in Jodie Mudd's swing (no surprise there since he did work with Tomasello some). Ben Hogan started his downswing with his lower body, but his right elbow never really disconnected from his body since he swung on such a flat plane. However, there are many other pros whose arms do go up higher, and the right elbow disconnects from the body, yet they also start the swing with their lower body. When I watch Tiger's swing and Ernie's swing in slow motion, for example, both appear to make their first move down with their lower body. Is there such thing as a preferred method here?