Question - I might be a flipper

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I've downloaded all of Brian's videos and watched them through a couple of times. I'm trying to still digest Confessions of a Former Flipper. Is it correct to say that an aggressive pivot coupled to quiet wrists are the keys to trapping the ball properly?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Not really...just a flat left wrist with your hands leading the clubhead striking the ball before low point.

Start with chips and pitches and move your way on up just like the video says
Left wrist should be level at impact and uncocked at low pt. Work on #2 accumulator.
I call it the" uncocking don't let it pass the left arm drill".
If you hit it fat you scooped or didn't get your aiming pt. forward enough.
Get a can of spray paint and see where divots are starting and pointing.

You can also hit it fat if your lower body isn't pivoting correctly or leading the arms. You can hit it fat also if your head moves to the target during impact....sliding.
Thnx for the comments and the welcome. I'm new to the TGM and golf (1 year) although I've been lurking here and Chuck's site for a while. Hopefully you guys won't mind my questions too much.
quote:Originally posted by noobie

Thnx for the comments and the welcome. I'm new to the TGM and golf (1 year) although I've been lurking here and Chuck's site for a while. Hopefully you guys won't mind my questions too much.


If you hit your chips and pitches properly, you should have a flat left wrist and clubhead below your hands at follow through (i.e. both arms straight), without trying. What I'm trying to say is that there should be no tension in your hands and wrists in trying to hold your left wrist flat. It should be flat as a result of hitting down (with pivot or arms- Brian recommends using pivot when you're learning to do it properly) and not 'adding' extra power during impact with your hands to try and get more compression. When performed properly, you will find that the clubhead has no inclination to rise above your hands at follow through because all the energy has gone to where you want it- the ball and the turf (and in that order!).

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
until you TRAIN your flat left wrist and TRAIN to keep it flat through the follow through is when "it happens" without tension.

You have to take mechanics and turn them into feels
I think the "tension" part of this conversation is so critical and is a big issue for me. Sometimes I'm focusing so much on maintaining a flat left wrist that my swing has a lot of tension and is very stiff. I'd much rather just "let it happen" and focus on getting to the finish... Any tips on how to do this out there. Brian, another thing to work on in Canton....
I tried some of brian's drills for pitches and making divots (I feel like I'm having to "throw" the club in order to make the far divots). I seem to be okay on those but anytime I try to perform a full swing, I'm shanking most of the shots. I've never had shanking issues before. Anyone have suggestions on what I may be doing wrong. I also looked at some recent video footages of myself from the range and it's clear that I have a tendency to speed up my hands and flip them through impact. As result, I tend to finish my swings over to my left and low. So I think I'm coming in steep on the downswing (pre impact) then finishing my swing out way left and shallow (post impact). Is the correct swing plane just the opposite? Shallow pre impact and steep post impact?
Well, I'm no expert, and have some spare time, so here's some things that helped me, not saying I'm right ....
I had flipping lack of compression trouble... I eased up on my excessive head\body movement to the right on the backswing, this seemed to help me set my wrists beter and everything seemed more accurate.
I concentrated on stationary head, and hand, arm (more lift) initiating the pivot\takeaway more (*very* difficult) .. dunno why but this really helped me. I guess I was swaying way too much which led to bad ball striking.
You need to leave the hands behind as you start the downswing, and think hit the ball with pivot body.
My left wrist ain't dead flat (it's flat at the top) but I get tonnes of compression (not saying this is a good thing but still).
Best to practise half shots punch shots with 8 iron. Feel that pivot rotation at impact, leading, and rotatingswivelling the clubhead. Feel like head stays back.. it will be moved.
I don't recommend practising off mats either.
Shanking .. over rotation of club on backswing? (check out Brian's never slice again), or posture\balance? Don't jabb at the ball with ya hands, let the body pivot do it as mentioned above.
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