Question to Brian... and others.....

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Alright - heres the scenario....

You have a new pupil. Now what process do you take to turn this complete hack with a mirade of faults into a pro-standard swing....
First and foremost, find out how he/she learns best so that any future instruction will be geared towards that learning style.

Next is the idea of Start Well, Finish well. Teaching them posture, grip, etc for setup. Then teach them where you want the finish to be. These two things are of primary importance and are the EASIEST parts of the swing to analyze since they are the only static points in the swing.. and thusly we can be as critical as we want of them.

Next comes the recognition of how to become aware of movement. Recognizing when something is happening and not trying to change it, but simply make the mind aware of it. Once you have the ability to do that specific things during the swing can be covered.
quote:Originally posted by mb6606

The ball only reacts to impact so work backwards from impact fix.

i agree completely teach them what impact needs to be flat left bent right and work from there i always boil my thoughts down to flying wedges extensor action and trace straight plane line back


quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

Well, that is why they paid to learn what they do ;) Not to be harsh but you understand what i mean.

Perhaps I didn't explain myself too well....

I was meaning what outline or set processes in their teaching style to getting someone bad to someone good.... like Brians - fix the face first...
although for Brian im wondering what he tries to remedy next - does he see what happens after he has fixed the face.. or does he go onto another goal - clubshaft ? clubhead ?
quote:Originally posted by Mathew

Alright - heres the scenario....

You have a new pupil. Now what process do you take to turn this complete hack with a mirade of faults into a pro-standard swing....

I'm sure your bank account will love this guy. Start with ball compression, Homer did.


A swing fan
figure 8 strap
tac tic
tour tempo CD

Balance and finish position. Routine. 'See your shots'.

quote:Originally posted by EdZ

A swing fan
figure 8 strap
tac tic
tour tempo CD

Balance and finish position. Routine. 'See your shots'.

Oh my god, EdZ is "Carrot Top."


quote:Originally posted by brianman

Mathew, what kind of shots can he hit?

Worst hacker - struggles to make contact - first swing he makes for you is a whiff above the ball.....

when he does hit it - the shots have no power and usually go to the right....
Question Mathew, what inclination does the student show he can have a pro standard swing? No matter what the level of instruction most people won't be able to attain this goal.

As for the hypothetical, I wouldnt follow a set method. Would monitor initial faulty components with the goal of attaining the 3 imperatives.
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