When considering on changing the pupils swing, you first go to the range and check out their motion. The pupil swings away and you see with by eye that this person has some technical problems that really are hurting his results.
You decide you really have to go back to basics with this guy and you know this is going to be a dilligent pupil and going to be very dedicated to his swing and will work over years. Now having the ability to make this person to swing how you decide to swing would you base the swing model on differing body differences. Would you teach a 6'3 (like me when barefoot) and 145 lbs with good flexability different to someone 5'5 and chubby ?
And to TGM ppl - would you base components on the swing model one will adopt already naturally in their current swing thus already grounded and based in accordance to their body shape?
You decide you really have to go back to basics with this guy and you know this is going to be a dilligent pupil and going to be very dedicated to his swing and will work over years. Now having the ability to make this person to swing how you decide to swing would you base the swing model on differing body differences. Would you teach a 6'3 (like me when barefoot) and 145 lbs with good flexability different to someone 5'5 and chubby ?
And to TGM ppl - would you base components on the swing model one will adopt already naturally in their current swing thus already grounded and based in accordance to their body shape?