quick trackman numbers question

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club path = 16.9 deg
face angle = -4.9 deg

Question: is it possible for spin axis to be only -1.1 deg?

please help me understand, because I would think if your path is so far to the right and your face is that closed relative to the path, you will hook it by a lot more.
I have a separate question.

If club path = x
And face angle = y

Question: Does spin axis always = y - x unless the hit was off-center?
I got the above data from a Luke Donald driver trackman analysis posted somewhere on the web. He hit 5 shots and for the first 4 his path was -5 to 0 deg. So it's weird that for his 5th shot his path was 16.9 deg. What's weirder is that he hit the heel (ON PURPOSE?) so that the shot ended up reasonably straight. Conclusion: tour pros are so good that even when they screw up their path/face differential they can compensate by hitting on the heel/toe so they end up with a straight shot?

Brian Manzella

Justin Padjen, the TrackMan PGA Tour rep, is a good friend.

He tells me all the time, that on Tour, the PGA Tour players get on TrackMan, Justin tells them where the machine is aiming, and the PGA TOur players hit shots at the target, for a second, then start aiming somewhere else.
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