Range Games or Practice Guides

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I have recently started hitting 5 balls in a row at my target on the range before moving on to a different club. If I miss, I start over. I currently can only do it by allowing a space about the size of a typical green to hit and after warming up, only have gotten through 3-4 clubs in a medium bucket. I am hoping to be able to move on to shot shapes in the near future too.

What are some other range games you guys use that are good for "taking it to the course" incorporating the precision and the little pressures that are felt while playing?
Once I have found the swing for the day I then try to cycle the quality of my lie from very good to really poor.
Play through a course in your mind, on the range.

Regardless, I've learned it's a must to have some kind of target in mind, and to ensure proper aim. (otherwise you are "beating balls")

It's fun trying to hit targets with a friend too. Play for a bit of money, or whatever.
Every once in a while, its a good idea to practice your misses on the range. Pick a target and keep the ball to one side of the target or the other. If you want to keep the ball from missing right (maybe a tucked pin or hazard) practice keeping the ball left of the target. It's a Pass/Fail way to practice. Clearly, the closer you can get to your target without missing to the wrong side, the better.
Play through a course in your mind, on the range.

Regardless, I've learned it's a must to have some kind of target in mind, and to ensure proper aim. (otherwise you are "beating balls")

It's fun trying to hit targets with a friend too. Play for a bit of money, or whatever.

A variation of playing the course is to also hit a second shot from where you most often MISS your drive. Gives you a little more confidence on those rare occasions when you do miss.
Play through a course in your mind, on the range.

Regardless, I've learned it's a must to have some kind of target in mind, and to ensure proper aim. (otherwise you are "beating balls")

It's fun trying to hit targets with a friend too. Play for a bit of money, or whatever.

I do this with my 11 year old daughter. She likes to go to the range with me, but gets bored in 10 -15 minutes! Then she'll start talking 11 year old smack, and starts wanting to bet money on shots. She'll give me 3 shots to hit a target for a dollar. She will probably be a rich teenager at this rate :eek: :rolleyes:
I never (by that I mean seldom)hit a shot in practice that does not resemble a shot that I am familiar with out on a course (usually my hometrack.) I started doing this because I would become highly irritated if I did not hit it perfect on the range, so I now I have a good idea of just how "bad" or "good" the shot would be in reality. This sounds a bit loopy, but I never (seldom) empty out the entire bucket at one time. I have been know to move to different spots on the range so that distances match up better to different flags etc.
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