Originally posted by holenone
quote:Originally posted by TYORKE1
Several months ago I had a post regarding how much should the left arm rotate on the backswing. A great discussion arose of who nows more and yet I think the question was forgotten. I have always had a very upright backswing and am trying to flatten it or get on plane. My thoughts are to rotate the left arm more on the backswing , this seems like a reasonable fix but how do you know without video tapping , if it is the right amount or to much. TIM
Focus on the alignments of the Left Hand -- specifically the Flat Left Wrist --
not on the Left Arm. Then, as a Swinger, use Standard Wrist Action (10-18-A) to immediately Turn the Left Hand 'Palm Down to the Plane' during Start-Up and maintain that alignment to The Top.
Alternatively, particularly for Hitters, let your Pivot and Arm Swing
gradually bring your Left Hand to that identical 'Palm Down to the Plane' alignment at The Top. This is using Hinge Action (7-10) -- either Horizontal (Swingers 10-18-C-1) or Angled (Hitters 10-18-C-2) -- as a substitute for Wrist Action.
An important point: In Standard Wrist Action, the Hand is
independently Turned (
Swiveled via the Left Forearm). Using the Hinge Action Variation, the Hand
Turns, but it is not
Turned (Swiveled).