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Several months ago I had a post regarding how much should the left arm rotate on the backswing. A great discussion arose of who nows more and yet I think the question was forgotten. I have always had a very upright backswing and am trying to flatten it or get on plane. My thoughts are to rotate the left arm more on the backswing , this seems like a reasonable fix but how do you know without video tapping , if it is the right amount or to much. TIM


quote:Originally posted by TYORKE1

Several months ago I had a post regarding how much should the left arm rotate on the backswing. A great discussion arose of who nows more and yet I think the question was forgotten. I have always had a very upright backswing and am trying to flatten it or get on plane. My thoughts are to rotate the left arm more on the backswing , this seems like a reasonable fix but how do you know without video tapping , if it is the right amount or to much. TIM


Focus on the alignments of the Left Hand -- specifically the Flat Left Wrist -- not on the Left Arm. Then, as a Swinger, use Standard Wrist Action (10-18-A) to immediately Turn the Left Hand 'Palm Down to the Plane' during Start-Up and maintain that alignment to The Top.

Alternatively, particularly for Hitters, let your Pivot and Arm Swing gradually bring your Left Hand to that identical 'Palm Down to the Plane' alignment at The Top. This is using Hinge Action (7-10) -- either Horizontal (Swingers 10-18-C-1) or Angled (Hitters 10-18-C-2) -- as a substitute for Wrist Action.

An important point: In Standard Wrist Action, the Hand is independently Turned (Swiveled via the Left Forearm). Using the Hinge Action Variation, the Hand Turns, but it is not Turned (Swiveled).
This may seem like a dumb question, but is the left hand (for swingers) turned clockwise or counterclockwise during takeup?
quote:Originally posted by efnef

This may seem like a dumb question, but is the left hand (for swingers) turned clockwise or counterclockwise during takeup?

I believe a turn is always clockwise (standard or daylight savings- thats a joke [:eek:)]) and a roll is counter clockwise.
quote:Originally posted by holenone
Focus on the alignments of the Left Hand -- specifically the Flat Left Wrist -- not on the Left Arm.

Some of us have been dragged over the coals saying that very thing. Swivel, hinge action, wrist actions all products of educated hands.
quote:Originally posted by njmp2

quote:Originally posted by efnef

This may seem like a dumb question, but is the left hand (for swingers) turned clockwise or counterclockwise during takeup?

I believe a turn is always clockwise (standard or daylight savings- thats a joke [:eek:)]) and a roll is counter clockwise.

Thank you.


quote:Originally posted by holenone

quote:Originally posted by TYORKE1

Several months ago I had a post regarding how much should the left arm rotate on the backswing. A great discussion arose of who nows more and yet I think the question was forgotten. I have always had a very upright backswing and am trying to flatten it or get on plane. My thoughts are to rotate the left arm more on the backswing , this seems like a reasonable fix but how do you know without video tapping , if it is the right amount or to much. TIM


Focus on the alignments of the Left Hand -- specifically the Flat Left Wrist -- not on the Left Arm. Then, as a Swinger, use Standard Wrist Action (10-18-A) to immediately Turn the Left Hand 'Palm Down to the Plane' during Start-Up and maintain that alignment to The Top.

Alternatively, particularly for Hitters, let your Pivot and Arm Swing gradually bring your Left Hand to that identical 'Palm Down to the Plane' alignment at The Top. This is using Hinge Action (7-10) -- either Horizontal (Swingers 10-18-C-1) or Angled (Hitters 10-18-C-2) -- as a substitute for Wrist Action.

An important point: In Standard Wrist Action, the Hand is independently Turned (Swiveled via the Left Forearm). Using the Hinge Action Variation, the Hand Turns, but it is not Turned (Swiveled).

For a 'true' swingers motion, imagine the hands basically 'clap' onto the plane, and rotate around the tip of your middle finger. A lot of rotation at this extreme, vs. hitting where there should be very little.

It is a question of physics (swinging) vs. geometry (hitting).

Of course both require an understanding of anatomy. If you first learn what the club 'should' do (geometery) then what it actually does (physics) you can learn how to best use your body to support that understanding (anatomy).

IMO that ideal is closer to Alex Morrison (which BTW is somewhat similar in many ways to Ben's motion).

The big question is that of transfer power, the heart of the question about forearm rotation.

Brian Manzella

The swinger's downswing is easy.

As you uncock, you are coming 'into the ball' with a "Karate Chop" left hand.

You then transfer the speed in the clubhead from un-cocking to roll and BACKHAND impact.
GOOD thoughts , I am definitly a swinger ,I use to be a hitter but I am a little more conservative. I love those answers that can be put into visuals and feelings. TIM
quote:Originally posted by brianman

The swinger's downswing is easy.

As you uncock, you are coming 'into the ball' with a "Karate Chop" left hand.

You then transfer the speed in the clubhead from un-cocking to roll and BACKHAND impact.

Excellent, down-to-earth, plain English, no B.S. explanation! A pleasure after some of the drivel we've had to plow through lately. Welcome back Kotter! :)
We were told that hitting give more control and accuarcy, so why is it more conservative to be a swinger? I am still learning, experiencing both and found out that swinging actually is more difficult in a sense that it is difficult to control or feel at impact.
Purely out of curiosity, what if the alignments at Impact Fix of the hands to the swing center is not changed on the backswing but simply rotated by the pivot, and raised by vertical hinge action, what would this cause the club to do? Is it possible to correlate the vertical hinge and the backswing pivot to create the proper backswing plane?
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