Reading the forum on a mobile

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I am often reading the forum on an iPhone unfortunately it is not that easy to navigate and read.
Does anyone know whether this forum is tapatalk (?) enabled? That apperently makes forums usable via an iPhone/Android app. Before I buy the tapatalk app I want to know whether it works with this forum.

Does anyone know another app that makes reading this forum on an iPhone more userfriendly?


I have an iPhone and am able to navigate the site just fine. The only problem I have now (since upgrading to the new firmware) is that I sometimes have to refresh the 1st page of the discussion forum after I navigate to it.
Well yes you can navigate the site but the site isn't easy to read with an iPhone. When you want to see the whole width of a post the text is too small (for me anyway). I believe the site is using vBulletin. There are ways to present the site in a mobile friendly way. The forum software either is configurable to serve a mobile friendly version to cell phones or you use 3rd part plugins like tapatalk and a mobile app.


Well yes you can navigate the site but the site isn't easy to read with an iPhone. When you want to see the whole width of a post the text is too small (for me anyway). I believe the site is using vBulletin. There are ways to present the site in a mobile friendly way. The forum software either is configurable to serve a mobile friendly version to cell phones or you use 3rd part plugins like tapatalk and a mobile app.



Do you know how to zoom your screen by dragging/approximating your two fingers on the screen?
Do you know how to zoom your screen by dragging/approximating your two fingers on the screen?

That can be a pain, I'm on my iphone all the time on the forum and I guess the text is just big enough for me, I can understand how it could be hard for some though. The new update allows for some things to be read as large text in the browser (it has a READER button to press) it would be awesome if that would somehow work for the forum, probably save my eyes!

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator

I am often reading the forum on an iPhone unfortunately it is not that easy to navigate and read.
Does anyone know whether this forum is tapatalk (?) enabled? That apperently makes forums usable via an iPhone/Android app. Before I buy the tapatalk app I want to know whether it works with this forum.

Does anyone know another app that makes reading this forum on an iPhone more userfriendly?



I know what you are talking about and the answer is I don't know. I'd wait for Brian to answer.
I'm on my BB Torch at the moment 'cuz I'm traveling... Silly day job. Not easy, but doable.. Just like the golf swing :)


You guys and your fancy moblies. Back in my day we didn't have these fancy gadgets and we got along just fine.
(posted out of jealousy)
I 've mailed the guys from the Forum Reader app (from milkcowblues). They've added support for this forum for their upcoming version 1.0.5. I will buy the app (£1.99) and report back whether it is good.


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Actually vBulletin offers an app which can be customized and then distributed via iTunes app store. But for Brian it would only be worth doing if he either wants to add advertisement or sell it on iTunes.
I've noticed that the webmaster has changed the CSS style sheets for mobiles and now the forum is a lot better to read on an iPhone. I've tested the Forum Reader app nevertheless to see whether that is better. It does support the Brian Manzella's forum now but there are a few short comings as far as I can see, you can't search the forum from that app and you can't seem to view YouTube videos with it which makes it nearly unusable for this forum. So given the chances that have been made you are probably better of viewing the forum with Safari on your iPhone than with a forum app.


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