Brian Manzella
For those who like REAL HARD DATA—I am one of those people—here is some really good HARD DATA from a famous testing lab.
Tour players:
• Hips 40 degrees open at impact.
• Shoulders 17 degree open at impact
• Shoulders 92 degrees closed (turned) at the top
• HEAD MOVEMENT on the backswing - 2.8 inches away from the target
• Pelvis movement TOWARD the target on the downswing 5.5 inches!
Before you ask: "Brian where is the data from?", let me answer:
A world-renowned golf lab. No names please.
But, you have to admit, really interesting and VERY much in line with my research.
Tour players:
• Hips 40 degrees open at impact.
• Shoulders 17 degree open at impact
• Shoulders 92 degrees closed (turned) at the top
• HEAD MOVEMENT on the backswing - 2.8 inches away from the target
• Pelvis movement TOWARD the target on the downswing 5.5 inches!
Before you ask: "Brian where is the data from?", let me answer:
A world-renowned golf lab. No names please.
But, you have to admit, really interesting and VERY much in line with my research.
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