REAL Numbers!

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Brian Manzella

For those who like REAL HARD DATA—I am one of those people—here is some really good HARD DATA from a famous testing lab.

Tour players:

• Hips 40 degrees open at impact.

• Shoulders 17 degree open at impact

• Shoulders 92 degrees closed (turned) at the top

• HEAD MOVEMENT on the backswing - 2.8 inches away from the target

• Pelvis movement TOWARD the target on the downswing 5.5 inches!

Before you ask: "Brian where is the data from?", let me answer:

A world-renowned golf lab. No names please.

But, you have to admit, really interesting and VERY much in line with my research.
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Thats interesting.

Did you get what the Hips were closed at the top of the back stroke?

92* shoulder turn !!!! only if I turn my whole body including feet :(

The HIP number 5.5 is also very interesting. I noted you said on downswing, do they have much the hips moved away on the back stroke?
I would say interesting, but those numbers only seem logical

sounds like a perfect pivot to me, I guess the one pro with his head still did not alter the numbers too much
Brian, you are on a roll this week. I'm a numbers kind of guy and these statistics will prove helpful as I look at my impact position on video later today.

I really like the shoulder number as I personally don't think the shoulders should be as open as some others may think.

Brian Manzella


shootin4par said:
I would say interesting, but those numbers only seem logical...sounds like a perfect pivot to me...

I love numbers becuase—well—they like me.

I did 1000's of hours of research to come up with WHAT and HOW I teach.

EVERYTIME I see REAL DATA, I look smarter.


Damon Lucas

Super Moderator

Do you have numbers for draws and fades, high and low, and different clubs. Otherwise it could be deemed similiar to the Model Golf group!
A lot of these are dramatically different from weekend golfers, but I'd say that the one I never see is "Hips 40 degrees open at impact." Still amazes me when I see a view back at the golfer up the line and his belt buckle is pointed at the target at impact. I just don't clear enough space for my arms to get there with my hips in that position. Thanks for the info, Brian. A lot of these numbers are posted at Golf-Tec shops as well (and they are with a 5 iron).
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